Fulvic acid is an important source of macro – and micronutrients, and these materials are able to stimulate oxygen transport. (Visser, 1987; Osterberg and Mortensen, 1994).
Fulvic Acid contains all the phytochemical protective substances, amino acid peptides, nucleic acids from the original plant matter, highly refines, transformed and enhanced by the actions of innumerable microscopic plants.
What makes their stored solar energy so different? Substances identified include mono, di and tri-hyroxy acids, fatty acids, dicarboxylic acids, linear alcohols’, phenolic acids and trepenoids. Mixture of many molecules, some based on molecules of aromatic nuclei with phenolic and carboxylic substituent’s, linked together.
Humic Substances have antiphlogostic, absorptive, antitoxic, antibacterial, antiulcerogenic, immunomodulatory and antimicrobial, anti-arthritic, anti-inflammatory properties.
Fulvic Acids are held together by hydrogen bonds to form stable polymeric structures. These are associated with polysaccharides.
Our Fulvic Enhanced products contain a mixture of naturally occurring, biogenic, heterogeneous
organic substances that have remarkable therapeutic effects that accelerates the process of
rehabilitation and recovery better than you may have experienced before in a supplement.
It is believed that Fulvic acids create natural balance for many of life processes.
As an antioxidant, acting alone or in conjunction with other proven ingredients,
it is unrivalled in its ability as a “free-radical” scavenger. Acting at times as an acceptor, and
at other times as a donor (depending upon need), Fulvic acid helps to create balance.
Also noted are powerful superoxide dismutase’s (SODs) and metalloenymes of every conceivable kind.
Naturally occurring organic polyelectrolyte’s do participate in reactions with both organic and inorganic compounds that play a vital role in nutritional physiology of single cells that are beneficial to the positive aspects of growth and maturity.
The original life giving, protective, and healing components from plants (phytochemicals) do not
disintegrate during natures fulvic acid production process, but become highly concentrated. Fulvic acid is a natural water soluble substance of plant origin. It contains many healing phytochemicals
and enzymes which readily disperse throughout the body, even to the interior of cells.
The bacterial and chemical degradation of lignin and other structural carbohydrates in plants are responsible for forming the intermediate products of humic acid and fulvic acid.
(Wersahw, 1989; Gramss et al., 1999)
These intermediate products are then polymerised in the presence of polyphenols.
Fulvic acid contains many reactive functional groups, including carboxyls, hydroxyls, carbonyls,
phenols, quinones and semiquinones (Aiken et al., 1985), contains ALL of the phytochemical
protective substances, amino acid peptides, nucleic acids. These reactive groups make Fulvic
acid a candidate for both metal chelating and antioxidant activity (Glynn, 1995; Plaza et al., 2005)
Sekaly et al. (1999)
The action mechanism in humic substances is associated with their capability to form complex saccharides in the body, which function as modulators of intercellular interaction. These maintain the balance of the immune system activity, and prevent potential inadequate responses. (Riede et al., 1991)
Humic substances contain minute quantities of several minerals, including iron, manganese and copper (Aiken et al., 1985). Berg (2001)
The elements C, H and O along with Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Sulphur (S) found in Fulvic Acid make up the living matter in athletes, with Calcium and Phosphorus forming athlete skeletal bones. (Ref: Special Publication no 273 ASBN O-85404-811-1 The Royal Society of Chemistry 2001)
Carbon is the backbone of most of the body’s structures. Carbon is used in the structure of amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, sugars, lipids, nucleoproteins and nucleic acids. Carbon balances the ventilation of gasses in the lungs and the gasses in the blood supply to match and allows life to properly continue.