Fulvic Enhanced Poultice Manual

Fulvic acid is rapidly being recognized as one of the key elements in many outstanding health and scientific breakthroughs of the 21st century. More and more scientists and doctors throughout the world are discovering fulvic acid, and are recognizing its extraordinary potential. Interest in the medical community has been escalating rapidly.

In the past only very small amounts of fulvic acid had been available for scientific testing. Most of the studies to date have been done on plant cells. In reviewing and evaluating these reports, it is important to bear in mind that leading scientists like Roger J. Williams, recognize and agree with the following fact:

“the building blocks present in the metabolic machinery of human beings are, in the great majority of cases, exactly the same as the building blocks contained in the metabolic machinery of other organisms of extremely different types.”
Roger J. Williams

Although the majority of research and experimentation that has been done on fulvic acid is in relation to plants, it is important to realize that human beings have been ingesting fulvic acid complexes regularly for over 60 years in supplemental form, and for thousands of years from natural food and plant sources. The new discoveries involving fulvic acid are very similar in nature to the recent important discoveries of valuable phytochemicals in vegetables that have always existed, but were hitherto unknown. Fulvic acid has always occurred naturally in organic plants and soils, yet its recent discovery and tremendous value is now just beginning to be recognized.

Accumulating testimonials from regular users continue to substantiate the fact that the same beneficial properties related to plant studies and cells, hold true in relation to animals and humans as well. Clinical studies on animals and humans are beginnings, and updated information will be forthcoming. Preliminary findings show that the most prominent diseases and health problems of our day have been dramatically effected in positive ways by supplementation or treatment with fulvic acid and other preparations enhanced, extracted, or chelated using fulvic acid.

Uses beneficial to humans are not the only focus here either. The known agricultural benefits have enormous potential to heal soils of the world. Yet the majority of the agricultural community is virtually unaware of the implications. Industrial use for treatment of sewage and landfill wasted, neutralization of radioactive and toxic wastes, and a myriad of other uses are just beginnings to be realized. Fulvic acid has already been found to have tremendous potential.

Fulvic Enhanced as an Antimicrobial Feed Additive to improve the Economy and Ecology of your horse

It is important for the misinformed to review literature and scientific evidence to draw an actual picture in relation to Fulvic and Humic Acid use in animal agriculture. The extracts herein are taken direct from a peer reviewed journal. We hope this article provides further insight as to the benefits of humic substances, the core ingredient in Fulvic Enhanced™ products.

Better performance by improving nutritive value of feed:

Humic acids stabilize the intestinal flora and thus ensure an improved utilization of nutrients in animal feed. Moreover, HA is said to improve protein digestion as well as calcium and trace element utilization.

Humic acid increases the animal’s resistance against heat stress.

Humic acids should inhibit pathogenic bacterial growth and growth of moulds, thus decreasing levels of mycotoxin, which should lead to improved gut health (Humin Tech, 2004).

Dermal, oral or subcutaneous application of HA leads to inhibitory effects on inflammation. The ability to inhibit inflammation is believes to be related with the flavonoid groups contained in HA.

Replacing antibiotic growth promoter:

Replacing antibiotic with HA as growth promoter in animal feed does not cause any loss in the performance of animals.

Health value of humic acid:

Humic acids are able to form a protective film on the mucous epithelia of the gastro-intestinal tract against infections and toxins (Kühnert et al., 1991).

The resorption of toxic metabolites is reduced or fully prevented, especially after infections, in case of residues of harmful substances in animal feed or when it is switched to new feeds.

Furthermore, HAs also help to prevent excessive loss of water via the intestine (HuminTech, 2004). Those are used in horses, ruminants, swine and poultry at an oral doses level of 500 to 2000 mg kg-1 bw feeds. Furthermore, HAs also help to prevent excessive loss of water via the intestine (HuminTech, 2004). Those are used in horses, ruminants, swine and poultry at an oral doses level of 500 to 2000 mg kg-1 bw for the treatment of diarrhoea, dyspepsia and acute intoxications. Our Fulvic Excel proprietorship is as high as much as 1750mg combining both Humic and Fulvic Acid. ( Yes indeed our competitors didn’t know this hidden secret to our formula)

Blood parameters:

RBC was capable to carry more oxygen in presence of humate. This additional oxygen causes feelings Healing of injuries, as a result of additional oxygen, is much quicker. Cutting horses have ankle inflammations frequently from their rigorous training programs. Healing times for these injuries have been reduced by the usage of humates. ( and some say there wasn’t any evidence on horses! Those skeptics can read this article)

Mineral transfer:

Humic acids act as dilator increasing the cell wall permeability. This increased permeability allows easier transfer of minerals from the blood to the bone and cells. Calcification of a bovine implant was improved by 16% (Kreutz and Schlikekewey, 1992). There are also changes in intracellular divalent calcium levels (Yang et al., 1996). Just as fulvic acid carries life-sustaining minerals to the body it also
captures and removes toxic metals from the body. Fuchs et al., 1982.

Stress management:

Literature reports that humates reduce the production of stress causing hormones. This has been cumulated from animal behaviour.

Microbial interaction:

It seems that within the body, humates stimulate the “good” microbes while suppressing the “bad” microbes.

Immune system:

By improving immune functions in the animal, HA are able to reduce the incidence of diarrhoea and other digestive upsets to a considerable extent, well as to improve the animal’s defences against pathogens such as E. coli (HuminTech)

Anti-inflammatory properties:

According to Kühnert et al., 1982 the humic substances, including peat and sodium humates, are known to exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. Not only does the humate relieve from inflammation, it has been shown to bond to the collagen fibers to aid in repair of damaged tendons and bone. Tendon strength has been shown to increase by as much as 75% (Iubitskaia and Ivanov, 1999; Kreutz and Schlikekewey, 1992). ( Who says this is not beneficial for joints? It’s better than just a joint product!)

Anti-viral properties:

Humic substances have long been known to exhibit antiviral properties in particular against rhinoviruses (Enviromate, 2002), as well as other respiratory tract infections (Schultz, 1965; Knocking, 1991 and Jankowski et al., 1993). In earlier times, HAs have also been employed as veterinary medicine therapy successfully. It is mentioned the humate as a pharmacy that raises resistance against non-specific diseases. This fact was confirmed by using such models as atoxic anemia, toxic hepatitis, peptic ulcer and hypercholesterolemia.

Liver effects:

long-term application of HA resulted in the stimulation of omithine decarboxylase, an increase in spermidine and histamine as well as DNA and RNA levels, and in overall liver mass (Maslinski et al., 1993). It is also clear that the humate plays a role in the liver function and protects somewhat from disease and/or disturbances (Lotosh, 1991).

Odour reduction:

Texas A and M University System researchers have discovered that using humate decreases volatile ammonia in animal waste by 64%, reduces odour, and improves the nitrogen to phosphorus ratio in the waste (Parker et al., 2001). Scientists are developing rations formulated to enhance manure characteristics while maintaining the performance of animal (Greene and Cole, 2000; Mosley, 1996).


There is no doubt that HA has many beneficial effect like antibacterial, antiviral and anti inflammatory in animals, improves immune system, stress management and reduce odour in faeces. It also has positive effect on liver functioning.