About Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl)
Keeping the body safe from bacteria without using harmful toxic chemicals is a delicate balancing act, but we have the SOLUTION.
Because of it’s anti-microbial activity, HOCl is the perfect replacement for many antibiotics and antiseptics used in medicine today. Hypochlorous Acid could not be easier to use and incorporate into your daily routine. It’s as simple as spraying it!
We offer NEW TECHNOLOGY that mimics the human immune system to kill viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms!
Hypochlorous Acid has traditionally been used as a wound care agent, such as for disinfecting burns, cuts, and other wounds. It has the ability to kill fungi, moulds, bacteria, and viruses on contact, including E. Coli, Salmonella, HIV, Listeria, and MRSA. In recent years, Hypochlorous Acid has also proven beneficial in the dental arena as an anti-plaque agent. In some surgeries Hypochlorous Acid is used to fight bacteria around the eyes, including inflammation of the eyelids.
Its role as a ‘first responder’ in the natural defense systems of mammals and most other vertebrates, including fish, creates an exceptional opportunity for the field of infection control in the broadest sense.
Our stabilized form of HOCl has the potential application as an antimicrobial wound irrigation and treatment solution, with antimicrobial activity and an effective reduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
On the basis of the antimicrobial activity and the lack of animal toxicity, it is predicted that stabilized HOCl has potential pharmaceutical applications in the control of soft tissue infection.
In the event of common health issues, the product can in many cases replace the use of antibiotics currently in use, with faster and better outcomes. It reacts with many biological molecules, especially thiol, thiol ether, heme proteins, amino groups and carbohydrates, as well as overcomes pathogens and fights infection which opens up its many applications.
Because of its anti-microbial activity, HOCl is the perfect replacement for many antibiotics and antiseptics used in medicine today. Hypocholorous acid is an organic, completely natural substance released from the body’s neutrophil cells. HOCl functions in the body as an anti-microbial agent, and it also neutralizes bacteria, toxins, and inflammatory mediators in the body. It also works to prevent biofilm formation as well as deactivate problematic enzymes. As you can see, this important substance is a vital one for keeping the body healthy!
As a sanitation chemical, once Hypochlorous Acid lands on a surface, it reacts with any germs or organic matter on that surface and then immediately deactivates, allowing for sanitation without requiring a post-rinse because no toxic chemicals are left behind. It should be continuously applied.
Wound debridement is the foundation for healing in chronic wounds. Excessive debridement is a detriment to healing, whereas proper removal of accumulated non-viable tissue or foreign material from the wound bed maintains a healthy progressive healing trajectory and avoids wound chronicity.
HOCl has been shown to be great for cleaning biofilm-contaminated implant surfaces, has the potential to be used during dental surgery, and is an effective oral rinse. Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) has both proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties, and seems to play an important role in the immune system. The regulation of normal flora contributes to periodontal health, and HOCl seems to have the ability to attack Gram-negative pathogens during periodontitis. Our product is suitable as periodontal medication, as HOCl is an antimicrobial agent, inflammation modulator and healing promoter. Periodontitis is an inflammatory process initiated by plaque biofilm. See FAQ in biofilm. Ref: Mainnemare A, Megarbane B, Soueidan A, et al. Hypochlorous acid and taurine-N-monochloramine in periodontal diseases. J Dent Res. 2004;83(11):823–31.
As a natural compound it eliminates microorganisms on the skin and mucous membranes making it a very effective eyelid and eyelash cleaner. Hypochlorous Acid is well known for killing bacteria on the body, and this can be very beneficial for any inflammation that occurs with the eyelids, lashes, and the eyes themselves. By removing negative bacteria, this solution can help soothe conditions such as blepharitis, Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), and dry eye disease. After spraying the eye lid is now clean which help alleviate the signs and symptoms of blepharitis, dry eyes, and Meibomian gland dysfunction. No need to rinse! Due to this, many people notice less redness, improved comfort of the eyes, and better contact lens tolerance. Our Hypochlorous Acid for eyes is called PureLucid and should be used twice per day for maintenance of clean eyelids, to prevent sty’s. There is no bleach by-product in our product.
Pruritus is the most common symptom seen in dermatologic disease. HOCl is anti-inflammatory and reduces the activities of histamine, leukotriene B4, and interleukin-2, all of which are implicated in the pathophysiology of itch. HOCl may reduce pruritus either through its microbicidal effects upon cutaneous pathogens (especially Staphylococcus aureus in atopic dermatitis or through its anti-inflammatory effects (especially reduction in the activities of histamine, LTB4, and IL-2, all of which have been implicated in the pathophysiology of itch.
HOCl is a more powerful oxidizer than chlorine and a very effective sanitizing agent. It is used to make sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and calcium hypochlorite, (Ca(OCl)2), which are used in the making of bleaches. This highly effective surface disinfection and cleaning agent is suitable for use in restaurants, kitchens or sales rooms. Disease-causing germs, such as the Aspergillus Brasiliensis, are repulsed effectively.
The fields of environmental hygiene, disinfection, food safety, and sanitation are now likely to benefit from HOCl as an untapped resource in infection control. HOCl are microbicidal in vitro to fungi, such as Candida albicans, and to many species of bacteria, including methicillin-sensitive (MSSA) and methicillin-resistant (MRSA) Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Streptococcus pyogenes, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium, Serratia marcescens, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter aerogenes, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Haemophilus influenza, as referenced in scientific data substantiating further that it is a wound care agent
As a synthetic preparation, our HOCl is effective as a microbial disinfectant. Prions are deadly pathogens that are notoriously difficult to inactivate and often standard protocols today are inadequate. Treatment with sodium hypochlorite bleach and sodium hydroxide are damaging and unsuitable. The tests done on a HOCL formulation poses no apparent hazard to either users or surfaces. It can be applied directly to the skin and mucous membranes and well as surfaces and entire rooms/stables or clinics without apparent deleterious effects. HOCl can inactivate a range of target microbes, including spores of Bacillus subtilis, but also prions in tissue suspensions and on stainless steel. Reports have documented the increasing evidence that subtypes of dementia, including Alzheimer’s, may have an infectious component that currently looks like a prion-related protein (Abbott, 2015). Having a disinfectant that can eradicate that risk from surgical instruments and medical facilities is a timely finding and in fact a welcome advance in infection control technology. The additional protein denaturing activity of HOCl and in particular, its inactivation of prion proteins, also suggests new opportunities for the design and execution of disease control measures in healthcare institutions (Hughson et al., 2016). Prion infectivity is especially concerning as prions are known to be both potentially pervasive and exceptionally difficult to eradicate (Abbott, 2015).
Stabilized HOCl is in the form of a physiologically balanced solution in 0.9% saline at a pH range of 3.5 to 4.0. HOCl is the predominant species at the pH range of 3 to 6. At pH values less than 3.5, the solution exists as a mixture of chlorine in aqueous phase, chlorine gas, trichloride (Cl3−), and HOCl. At pH greater than 5.5, sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) starts to form and becomes the predominant species in the alkaline pH. To maintain HOCl solution in a stable form, maximize its antimicrobial activities, and minimize undesirable side products, the pH must be maintained at 3.5 to 5. Our product is stable within this range. Stable HOCl is an effective and safe compound, and stable for human and animal use at various PPM. At a pH 3 or below HOCl exists in solution with hydrochloric acid and chlorine (HCl and Cl2, respectively). In solutions where the pH is 7.5 or greater HOCl solutions contain more hypochlorite (–OCl). Eventual reduction of oxidative chlorine to the chloride ion (Cl–) leads to a decrease in antimicrobial activity over time in conventionally prepared HOCl solutions, and are described as “highly unstable” . Products supplied by Fulvic Health Pty Ltd are batch tested during the process and at the end of production with a target tight range at 5.5 to 5.8 pH.
HOCl has no toxic material disposal requirements, and is not considered by OSHA to be hazardous waste adding yet another advantageous element to HOCl use (OSHA Hazard Communication Standard). HOCl has advantages over sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in that within its effective antimicrobial concentration range, it is non-irritating, non-sensitizing and cytotoxicity to mammalian cells is so low, that it is an approved as a Medical Device.
Since chronic wounds offer ideal conditions for infection and biofilm production, good wound care strategies are critical for wound healing. Topical antiseptics in chronic wounds remain in widespread use today. These antiseptics are successful in microbial eradication, but their cytotoxcity is a controversial issue in wound healing. An open wound is a favourable niche for bacterial colonization and infection. Biofilm formation is now recognized as a serious problem in chronic wound infections. Hypochlorous Acid is highly active against all bacterial, viral, and fungal human pathogens and a small amount of HOCl can kill spore-forming and non-spore bacteria in a short time period. Foremost, it has dose-dependent favourable effects on fibroblast and keratinocyte migration. These features lead to a stabilized HOCl solution as an ideal wound care agent. Randomized, prospective clinical trials are required to determine in vivo relevance of these findings. Fulvic Health encourage future enquiries herein!
Perhaps the most remarkable property of HOCl is its ability to destroy biofilms. Many wound care clinicians and burn specialists have come to realize the simple concept of wound colonization, critical colonization, and infection de- pendent on classification by number of colony forming units of bacterial species per weight or volume of tissue is naïve in practice. Biofilms can contain anaerobes,
which often are missed by classical culture techniques and grow by contiguous spreading or shedding of planktonic bacteria, seeding onto surrounding surfaces, and resulting in infection dissemination. Biofilms are also notorious for their persistence, being resistant to the host immune system, systemic antibiotics, and topical antimicrobials. Although it was thought that inability to penetrate the extracellular material barriers was the reason for failure of antibiotics to clear biofilms, in vitro evidence is increasing to suggest antibiotics are able to slowly diffuse through the biofilm matrix. Thus, mechanisms such as alteration of activity status (dormancy) and triggering of mutations and gene expression by environmental stress, bacterial density, nutrition supply, and oxidative stress may be responsible for antibiotic resistance.
Chronic or Mixed Wounds ( ischemic component), Surgical Wounds, Septic Trauma Wounds, Burn wounds, Infection management in acute and chronic wounds, Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs), Microbial wound management, preparation of patients for sepsis, Postsurgical wounds, First-degree and second-degree burns, Grafted and donor sites, pressure ulcers, VLUs, Burns and Wound irrigation.
Keeping the body safe from bacteria without using harmful toxic chemicals is a delicate balancing act, but we have the SOLUTION. When bacteria enter the body, neutrophils – a type of white blood cell – are released from the bloodstream and, via a chemotaxis process, migrate to the bacteria. The neutrophils surround the bacteria and release an enzyme, NADPH oxidase, which is usually dormant in the body, but is activated when the body is under threat. This decays to produce hydrogen peroxide, which reacts with sodium chloride to produce HOCl and sodium hydroxide. The HOCl then kills invasive organisms through the myeloperoxidase-mediated peroxidation of chloride ions. .
Keeping the body safe from bacteria
Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) replaces water in produce washers for cleaning and sanitizing fruits and vegetables as a no-rinse sanitizer and prolongs the shelf-life. HOCl is used to sanitize equipment and work areas.
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is shown to be safe on animals and has many applications in the poultry industry including hatcheries, broiler houses and processing. HOCl can be applied to eggs in hatcheries via misting and is cleared by FDA FCN 1811. Hypochlorous acid can be applied via sprinklers and misters to maintain a sanitized environment for chickens, increasing growth rates and decreasing feed to growth ratios. HOCl can be used to sanitize whole or processed chickens as a no-rinse sanitizer.
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is safe on animals and has many applications for livestock and meat processing. Hypochlorous acid can be applied to living areas to maintain clean and sanitized environments. HOCl is used for sanitizing raw carcusses as a no-rinse sanitizer for processing. HOCl can be applied via hoses or foggers to broadly sanitize large areas.
HOCl is used to disinfect bottles. HOCl can dislodge biofilm and disinfect pipes in clean-in-place systems. It can be applied via hoses to clean equipment and sanitize work areas.
HOCl can replace toxic concentrated chemicals for cleaning and disinfecting rooms and common areas. Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) can be used to sanitize linens. HOCl can be applied via air conditioners or foggers to broadly disinfect rooms and the air. HOCl can be used in the hospital kitchen as a no-rinse sanitizer to clean and disinfect all contact surfaces and kitchenware.
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) can be used to maintain sterile environments for pharmaceutical manufacturing. HOCl dislodges biofilm and disinfects pipes for clean-in-place (CIP) systems. Hypochlorous acid dislodges biofilm and disinfects pipes. HOCl can be used for cold sterilization of equipment and instruments.
Organic farming is a method of crop and livestock production that involves much more than choosing not to use pesticides, fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, antibiotics, and growth hormones. The technology can be integrated with existing systems such as fogging and irrigation pumps. As a biocide it can be introduced directly into irrigation systems by metered dosing, applied directly to surfaces for sterilisation, or added to the water used for post-harvest pathogen control. NeoPure eradicates biofilm in pipes or on surfaces, as well as mould and fungi without the toxic effects of harsh chemicals. We believe that mimicking nature’s own way of protecting plants can provide the answer to cost-efficient synthesis of effective crop protection chemicals.
Recent evidence points to an essential role for HOCl in initiating the formation of and participating in Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NET) that are involved in killing of pathogens outside the confines of phagocytic vacuoles (Brinkmann et al., 2004; Palmer et al., 2012). Another strong case for HOCl as an attractive option for reliable, safe, high-level disinfection within institutional settings (Al Haq et al. 2012, Thorn et al., 2012). HOCl has shown potent efficacy as a chemical sterilant against resistant spore-forms of key indicator microbes (Loshon, Melly, Setlow and Setlow, 2001). These and other hygienic use claims have received regulatory approval in the US and the European Union, including approval by USDA for use of HOCl produced on-site as a final food safety rinse for a variety of agricultural products (USDA-Food Safety and Inspection Service, 2017).