About Human Fulvic Products
Glucosamine is the building block for proteoglycans, the molecules in cartilage which form the mesh network. Supplementing with glucosamine provides the body with additional raw material to make cartilage. It has been shown that increasing the amount of glucosamine available to cartilage stimulates increased production of cartilage. Glucosamine is absorbed orally and will preferentially be taken up by the joints. Oral supplementation with glucosamine is very safe.
Chondroitin sulfate is a proteoglycan molecule which is a major component in cartilage. The chondroitin forms part of the mesh network of cartilage which provides cartilage with its resilient properties. Supplementary chondroitin can be taken up by the cartilage and assist in replacing damaged proteoglycan molecules. Supplementary chondroitin can also help reduce ongoing cartilage damage as the inflammatory enzymes’ breakdown the supplemented chondroitin rather than that present in the cartilage. Chondroitin is also absorbed orally and preferentially taken up by joints. Supplementation with chondroitin is also very safe.
Joints and tendons consist of collagen and cartilage. Cartilage is a type of connective tissue composed of mucopolysacharides (e.g. chondroitin sulphate), protein substances, calcium, sulphur and collagen. Studies show fulvic-acid-induced stimulation of collagen secretion.
The combination of glucosamine and chondroitin has been shown to have a synergistic effect. This means that the effect of the combination is greater than the sum of each agent alone, 1 + 1 = 3. This combination both stimulates cartilage production and inhibits cartilage damage, providing a true chondro-protective effect. This combination of agents has been shown in clinical trials with horses, dogs and humans to have beneficial effects in reducing the symptoms of joint disease.
There have been numerous deaths and birth defects caused by heavy metal poisoning from metals such as lead. People have used arsenic as a poison and pesticide for centuries. The news is filled with grim reports about these substances. However, little is said about the all-critical source – is it organic or inorganic? The substances used within our products are all organic and cannot cause any harm like those which have been altered for other reasons before.
This “Wide Spectrum” substance acts as the transcellular transporter of almost any nutrient or mineral. Humates (Fulvic and Humic Acid) are hydrocarbons and contain aromatic and heterocyclic structures, carboxyl groups, and nitrogen. They possess many active hydrogen bonding sites making them very chemically reactive. Minerals such as copper, manganese and zinc found in Fulvic Acid are important for normal cartilage and connective tissue formation as well as having a well developed immune system. The ability to inhibit inflammation is believed to be related to the flavonoid groups contained therein. Absorption shows to be more intensive and dynamic compared to pure physical adsorbents. Immunological effects are increasingly present. Fulvic acid is unique in its chelation ability as it captures life essential minerals and places an electrical charge on them for ready uptake by the organism. Toxic metals are also chelated, but are neutrally charged and have difficulty in entering a living organism.
Humic acids are able to form a protective film on the mucous epithelium of the gastro-intestinal tract against infections and toxins. Reduces or fully prevents the resorption of toxic metabolites after infections in case of residues of harmful substances in animal feed or when it is switched to new feeds. Furthermore, humic acids also help to prevent excessive loss of water through the intestine. Humic acids have the ability specifically to influence microbial metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates.
Fulvic Excel is a proprietory blend which includes our unique Fulvic and Humic Acid blend together with added ingredients such as, potassium humate, Glucosamine, Sulfate Sodium, Chondroitin Sulphate Sodium, Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid, MSM, Manganese, Boron, Selenium. It offers better performance and quicker healing of injuries. Mineral transfer is improved, toxic metals are removed, balance is achieved, and stress is better managed. The product has proven anti-inflammatory and joint support properties. Collagen uptake is improved. Tendon, ligament and muscle strength is increased. Assists with bone degeneration and bone defects. Less aches and pain. The product has anti-viral and immune building properties. Able to carry more oxygen. It is an antioxidant and a poly electrolyte.
If you are taking Warfarin, are sulfur intolerant, or allergic to seafood, Fulvic Renew is recommended.
Fulvic Renew ingredients, Fulvic Acid – CaFAVT ( CaOH) and Humic Acid from a potassium humate derivative. enhance nutrient utilization and maintain health status and improves the immune system. Reduces cravings. Reduces the incidence of diarrhea other digestive upsets. There is more Humic Acid in this blend to stabilize the intestinal flora and protect the GI Tract against toxins and infections. Humic Acids are said to improve protein digestion as well as calcium and trace mineral utilization, already found in the product. Fulvic Renew™ may influence, in particular, the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates in microbes. This results in a direct devastation of bacterial cells or viral particles, which should result in improved growth performance. The product has anti-viral properties and raises resistance against non-specific disease. It also plays a role in liver function. The product has immune building properties and enables one to to carry more oxygen. It is an antioxidant and a poly electrolyte and improves cognitive ability. it also improves bio availability of other supplements.
MSM stands for Methyl Sulfonyl Methane and is a supplementary source of sulfur. Sulfur is the third most abundant mineral in the body and is an essential component of many compounds in the body, particularly connective tissue. It has been shown that arthritic cartilage in horses contains one-third less sulfur than normal cartilage and MSM is recommended as a supplement in joint disease in horses. MSM appears to have an anti-inflammatory action and has been shown to reduce symptoms of joint disease in horses and humans. Animal studies have shown that sulphur from oral supplements of MSM is incorporated into body proteins.
About the Benefits
Fulvic has the unique ability to chelate (break down) toxins and reduce them to a harmless state. Fulvic is effective at neutralizing a wide range of toxic materials – everything from heavy metals and radioactive waste to petrochemicals. It also breaks down elemental minerals ideal for human consumption. It is known that Fulvic is readily admitted into living cells. Fulvic and Humic Acids are vital in delivering substantial amounts of nutrients and minerals and their living energies into living cells. Once inside the living cell, Fulvic aids in the selective trading or supply of minerals and other nutrient factors, ensuring that the cells get precisely the amount of minerals and nutrients they need. Fulvic has several primary functions. It dissolves minerals and trace elements, transports the nutrients into the cell, catalyses enzyme reactions, stimulates metabolism, detoxifies pollutants and assimilates into cell structure by increasing the permeability of the cell membrane. It is the only known agent capable of this process. The potential of Fulvic and Humic Acid cannot be overstated. It has the potential to treat and neutralize radioactive and toxic wastes, its role in soil regeneration and the creation of organic minerals as nutritionally superior food supply makes Fulvic simply unrivaled.
Fulvic electrolytes contain and transport essential nutrients, essential and trace minerals in a highly charged bioavailable form and serve as an outside electrical force. They charge, recharge and restore the potential that is or once was normal to the cell, balancing and supercharging cellular life. The Fulvic electrolytes act as a miniature battery charger, providing a small but constant charge of nutritional and mineral energy replacement. They create a natural balance for many life processes and help each cell perform at its maximum potential. Toxins and heavy metals are taken up by the Fulvic electrolytes, to be carried away from the cell and discharged from the body. As a transporter of energy-rich and bio-electrically charged nutrients and minerals, the Fulvic electrolytes greatly increase the percentage rate of absorption through the digestive system of minerals, nutrients, vitamins, and herbs into the circulatory system. From there, they carry life force energetic compounds to and easily through the cell membrane, across the cytoplasm and directly to the nucleus of the cell. At this point the Fulvic electrolytes discharge electrical energy and their nutrient and mineral components. It is literally recharging and replacing exhausted or diminished components within the nucleus of the cell. Mineral and nutrient wastes are complexed and taken from the nucleus, then transported back across the cell for removal. Fulvic electrolytes act as a donor, and at other times as a receptor based on a cell’s requirement for balance. They also absorb both positive and negative electrical charges from free radicals in a process of neutralization.
The potential for FvA to be a candidate in preventing inflammatory diseases like diabetes arises from most of the research conducted over the last decade. Traditional medicine and modern research claim FvA can modulate the immune system, influence the oxidative state of cells, and improve gastrointestinal function; all of which are hallmarks of diabetes. The most adequately researched claim of FvA is its ability to modulate the immune system. FvA can be both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory in animal systems. Asthma, allergies, and eczema, along with many other disorders, can be associated with overactive immune cells. FvA also is shown to reduce cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) secretion after homocysteine stimulation in primary human monocytes. FvA can have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy effects. It provides protection against pathogens and stops tumour growth by initiating the inflammatory response. Schepetkin et al. show that FvA can activate isolated murine macrophages from the peritoneal cavity. Nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) important for killing bacteria and intracellular signalling increase in FvA-treated peritoneal macrophages. This gives rise to the thought that FvA can activate the immune system when needed to protect against infection and foreign pathogens. FvA has been shown to sequester superoxide radicals and other ROS outside of the cell. Inside the cell though, FvA can uncouple the electron transport chain in liver mitochondria, which is associated with lowering ROS production. The gut forms the interphase of the outside world, the microbiome, and the host. Sufficient evidence shows that poor gut health can lead to inflammation and disease. FvA is suggested to improve the gut flora, nutrient absorption, and heal adverse disorders related to the gut. FvA may influence the bacterial community. The cause of diabetes remains a mystery, but research associates inflammation, oxidative stress, and changes in the gut microbiome among the many causative factors. FvA might fit as an adjunct treatment to reduce markers of oxidative stress and inflammation as FvA can act in a similar manner to NSAIDs. Ref: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6151376/pdf/JDR2018-5391014.pdf
Nearly fifty years of scientific research shows that humic acid / fulvic is a valuable support for those who want to solve nutritional imbalances, immune system diseases and viral diseases. We strongly believe that the greatest contribution of humic acid / fulvic health of humanity will be in addition to prevention. Every scientific test shows that its use is most effective when administration is before the hazard of disease. Daily use of humic acid / fulvic helps the body manufacture glycoproteins that balance and regulate various components of the immune system. Besides microbial threats, witnessing a continuous supply of industrial and agricultural toxic pollutants in our air and water and, unfortunately, even in food. Humic acid / fulvic acts as a gentle daily cleanser and easily, which will inhibit unpin these poisons in the body.
Laboratory tests performed on humic minerals have shown that they have strong antibacterial and antifungal effects! In other words: they kill pathological bodies!
Humic acid / fulvic viruses attack “and dressing”, so prevent them attach to healthy cells and multiply. Viruses contain a protein-receptor that – in the absence of humic acid / fulvic – keeps them attached to the healthy cells. This protein encapsulates the virus making it resistant to attacks from the immune system. When humic acid / fulvic dress finds a virus in a substance that not only prevent the virus to attach to healthy cells but also send a signal to the immune system, alerting him about this “invader”. Vulnerable due to shell Humic / Fulvic, this time the virus is not only spotted but annihilated the immune system. As shown in Klocking experience and Sprossig edition, 1972, vol.28 paragraph 5, “Medical studies show that respiratory difficulties common in children are readily resolved with humic acid supplementation / fulvic”. Because of these positive results, a valuable addition to taking this supplement would be on a specific diet flu season, with the necessary vitamins to strengthen the immune system.
Humic acid / fulvic helps the body to reconcile sugars needed to produce glycoproteins. These help to regulate and balance the immune system to work so effectively, avoiding excessive inflammation. In this sense, positive results were found in arthritis, asthma, eczema, irritable bowel syndrome, psoriasis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, rheumatism.
By chelating action (attraction and attachment to), humic acid / fulvic / fulvic remove toxins from the body as waste. As the chelating agent is well determined and applied in various industries outside the field of human nutrition – such as animal husbandry applications.
Humic acid / fulvic minerals contain up to 70 micronutrients (certified organic) that are not typically obtained in our modern diets.
Humic acid / fulvic acid quickly destroys the body fluids which helps to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood. Excess acidity in the body is associated with almost all degenerative diseases including cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, kidney stones, tooth decay, sleep disorders, depressive disorders, and more.
Research has shown that humic acid / fulvic improves enzymatic reactions in cells and produces maximum stimulation of enzyme. Enzymes are responsible for over 300 complex reactions in the body. They are the life force behind vitamins and minerals. A lack of digestive enzymes may overstress the digestive system, leading to the syndrome of poor absorption of nutrients.
Although humic acids / fulvic not antibiotics in the technical sense of the word, such as medicines, their natural immunization is comparable to their power, but without the well-known adverse effects. Unlike antibiotics, humic acid / fulvic can be used indefinitely without creating resistant strains of the disease. Comprehensive clinical studies show that treatment with humic acid / fulvic is more effective than conventional drug therapy.
Toxicity in the body can show itself in different ways in different people. Most detoxifying products have side effects but our Fulvic Enhanced™ products generally do not have any side effects. Other detoxifying products pull heavy metals and toxins out of the tissue and flood the bloodstream with these toxins. Your body is then overwhelmed by being hit with all of these toxins at once, which is what cause all the unpleasant side effects. Fulvic Health may introduce you to our Zeolite Detox powder to further assist with detoxification. With Zeolite, when the toxins and heavy metals are pulled out of the tissue, they are trapped in the zeolite cage and your body is not re-exposed to them, thereby reducing the possibility of any negative side effects. Although possible reactions may differ by individual.
Zeolite does not “strip” minerals from fulvic nor humic. The Zeolite molecule – like the fulvic and humic molecule – is negatively-charged. Zeolite is actually very compatible with fulvic and humic. The humic and fulvic solution acts as a carrier transporting the Zeolite molecules into the body. Then, the negatively-charged zeolite molecules attract and bind to any positively-charged heavy-metals and toxins in the body allowing for safe elimination by the body’s elimination systems.
Because different people have different needs, each individual will respond in a unique manner. For a few days after beginning to take Fulvic Acid, your body will begin to undergo a mild detoxification process that cleanses and revitalizes removing toxins build up and flushing it out of your body. You may notice loose bowels or joint soreness as disease causing pollutants are gradually removed. Remember it is only through the remarkable properties of oxygen that toxins can be completely flushed from our bodies so trust that your body is responding as it is supposed to. After all, our bodies are 2/3 water and if that water has been “dirty” for a long time, it’s no wonder there are toxins anxious to be flushed out!
Depending on how you are feeling, you may reduce or increase the dosage. If you take less, the process of detoxification will slow down. If you take more, the process will accelerate. You cannot overdose on Fulvic acid, because it is a nutritional supplement made from natural substances. The body will use what it needs and eliminate what it doesn’t. If you are feeling stressed or run down, you can take additional dosages. If you are doing physical work, playing sports, working late, it is fine to take an extra dose of Fulvic acid to give your body additional energy.
Generally, it is probably wise to use non-chlorinated liquids as a diluent for light humics, or let chlorinated water stand open to the air for 24 hours before using.
No. The product should be consumed by itself, at least 15-minutes to ½ hour away from food and/or other nutritional supplements. CAUTION! Do not take it directly with medications! Fulvic reduces the surface tension of cell membranes allowing whatever substance/s you are taking with the fulvic to penetrate into the cells more easily.
This is difficult question to answer and all depends on the individual person. Everyone shows toxicity in their body in different ways. Some may have bad skin; some may show severe medical issues. Based on the persons exposure to toxins and heavy metals, there are different levels in people. People also respond differently to treatment. Our general recommendation is to take the product for 90 days and then be re-evaluated by your medical professional to see what progress has been made. Please make sure that you are also taking the recommended dosage based on your needs to ensure that you are receiving the optimum benefit from the product. As mentioned above, some people say they feel more energetic but one of the first things that people notice (apart from a difference in stool consistency) is their nails grow quicker and their complexion improves. If you suffer with bloating after meals, the effects of these tablets may be instantaneous.
No. There are no known interactions with medication with the exception of Warfarin. Even though Fulvic Enhanced blends well with most alkaline substances, manufacturing research recommends you use it as directed. However, it is ok to take other supplements within the same day as taking Fulvic Enhanced just don’t take them at the same time.
Scientific claims have stated that Humates (Fulvic and Humic Acid) are shown to balance T Cells, which can attack joints and bones thus causing auto-immune diseases arthritis. Research shows that the red blood cells likely carry more oxygen with the presence of Humates, contributing to quicker healing times. Not only has swelling reduction been noted, also observed have been signs of bonding to collagen fibres to aid in repair to damaged tendons and bones!
An oxidant is an unstable molecule which basically strives to be stable again, to do this it has to steal from other molecules.
These are important for normal cartilage and connective tissue formation and even further supported by the MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) and Chondroitin Sulfate Bovine content. Fulvic already has the maximum amount of vegetable silica as a part of its excipients bonded to be absorbed quicker by the body. The transmutation of vegetal silica and magnesium to form calcium in animal and human bones is a typical example of new synthesis of minerals that Fulvic initiates.
The ability to think, feel, move, eat, sleep and even talk all depends on energy from oxygen. All functions of our body are regulated by oxygen. It must be replaced on a moment-to-moment basis because 90% of our life energy depends on it, energizing cells so they can regenerate. Lifestyle factors such as poor nutrition, alcohol, pollution, toxins, pharmacological drugs or lack of exercise all deprive the body of vital oxygen setting the stage for chronic degenerative disease and a weakened immune system.
When the immune system is compromised by lack of oxygen, the body is more susceptible to opportunistic bacteria, viral, and parasitic infections, colds and flu. Initial symptoms of oxygen deficiency may include general weakness, fatigue, circulation problems, poor digestion, muscle aches and pains, dizziness, depression, memory loss, irrational behaviour, irritability, acid stomach and bronchial complications.
Fulvic Acid delivers ionic minerals, enzymes and oxygen in perfect balance to all cells in the body, ensuring all cells are fully oxygenated and mineralized. When the nutrients are in ionic form, they’re readily absorbed by cells and are recognized by the body as a natural fluid.
Fulvic Acid has a very high zeta potential. Zeta-Potential is the ability of a molecule to hold an electrical charge. The electric potential of a cell is its life force. When the Zeta-Potential of a cell is increased, the cell becomes stronger and more active. A basic law of nature states that the smaller the size of the colloid the longer the colloid can hold its Zeta Potential. Zeta-Potential is the force that maintains the discreteness of all the cells in our body. Also, the higher the Zeta-Potential the more able nutrients are able to pass through cells delivering nutrients and eliminating toxins. When a cells electrical potential is reduced to zero the cells disintegrate. When the electrical potential is reduced, progressive weakness and illness may occur. A person’s electrical potential may be lowered by loss of blood or fluids, excessive emotional stress, accidents, lack of sleep, lingering infections, and an unbalanced diet.
In highly developed industrialized society, we are constantly bombarded by free radicals from toxic environmental influences like polluted oxygen-deprived air, poor lifestyle choices like smoking and drinking, inferior or highly processed foods. Free radicals cause progressive damage resulting in the functional decline that defines aging. Free radicals are part of a well-balanced system and are produced naturally by the body to supply energy to cells, fight bacteria and viruses as well as to regulate hormones. When systems are in balance, the production and management of free radicals proceeds as nature intended. It is only when we have too many free radicals in our bodies that degenerative disease develops. The only way to counteract the effects of free radicals on cells is by eating foods rich in antioxidants or to supplement our diets with antioxidant products such as Fulvic Acid.
During exercise, oxidants are produced which can cause damage to cells and tissues. These oxidants are actually produced by our own metabolism and, as sportspeople have a faster average metabolic rate than non-sports people, their requirements for anti-oxidants is higher. An oxidant is a very unstable molecule which basically wants to become stable again. To do this it has to ‘steal’ from other molecules which, if those molecules are not anti-oxidants, cause damage. The importance of preventing this is highlighted by the fact that in some circumstances, oxidants cab attack DNA. The complex structure fulvic acid makes it far more powerful an anti-oxidant than any other nutrient known.
Re-mineralization of our bodies without Fulvic has little benefit because colloidal minerals by themselves are not readily useable by cells. It is the Fulvic in conjunction with minerals that makes them effective.
Fulvic makes vitamins more absorbable by complexing them into organic, ionic forms that are easily transported into and through membranes and cell walls. Once the nutrients meld into the Fulvic complex, they become bioactive and bioavailable.
Technically, Fulvic Acids are not acids, nor are they minerals, in fact, they are complex compounds with the ability to attract and hold both negatively and positively charged ions, thereby creating complex compounds rich in minerals, amino acids, enzymes and nutritional components that the cells of animals can easily absorb and use to promote vibrant health.
Our production is in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices standards and GMP certified through Calpharm Pharmaceuticals. Every batch of Fulvic acid and humic acid released is tested for common bacteria, pathogen and parasites. Samples are taken randomly and tested independently by a professional lab, to ensure a safe product. Copies of the lab test results are available to customers upon request.
Always consult with your Physician before undertaking any course of “treatment” or changing treatment or medications.
An Electrolyte is an element or compound that, when melted or dissolved in water or other solvent, dissociates into ions and is able to conduct an electric current. Electrolytes do differ in their concentrations in blood plasma, interstitial fluid and cellular fluid and do affect the movement of substances between those compartments.
Scientists believe that electrical and chemical balances at the cellular level can be created and controlled by electrolytes. The most powerful electrolyte known in nature is the powerful Fulvic organic electrolyte that restores, regenerates, regulates and balance cellular life. When the cell is restored to its normal chemical balance, and thereby achieves its bio-electrical potential, life flourishes where sickness, weakness, disintegration and death would have resulted. This is the Fulvic phenomenon. Fulvic Acid has a very high zeta potential.
An Electrolyte is an element or compound that, when melted or dissolved in water or other solvent, dissociates into ions and is able to conduct an electric current. Electrolytes do differ in their concentrations in blood plasma, interstitial fluid and cellular fluid and do affect the movement of substances between those compartments. Proper quantities of Poly-electrolytes (many electrolytes) and a balance among them are critical to normal metabolism and cellular function, this is why Fulvic Acid is so powerful. There are approximately 10 poly-electrolytes required to survive; however, as many as 60 or more are essential for optimum health, energy, strength, stamina and recovery. Certain acute and/or chronic diseases, conditions and medications may lead to a deficiency of one or more poly-electrolytes as well as an imbalance among them all. Diarrhoea may cause a loss of poly-electrolytes, leading to hypovolemia (massive blood loss).
Ascorbic Acid, or Vitamin C, is essential for synthesis of collagen and intercellular material.
- Provide a powerful anti-inflammatory property which may be effective for eczema, psoriasis and acne.
- Offer anti-bacterial properties to help combat acne.
- Detoxify our cells to ensure that environmental toxins cannot cause skin problems.
- Balance the pH of our bodies.
- Combine with silica to provide the most effective anti-wrinkle formulation available.
Bioplex or chelated minerals are minerals that are bound to organic proteins and are absorbed far more efficiently than inorganic minerals.
Materials that do not originate from the decay of bio matter of soil, sediment or natural waters should not be considered as humic substances even although they may display the same acid/base solubility behaviour and colour as humic substances.
It appears that molecules in a humic system differ gradually from one another in their chemical and physical properties in a continuous manner, thereby accounting for the inability to separate these materials into pure components.
- Contains a rich full-spectrum of organic fulvic acid and humic acid trace minerals, trace vitamins, amino acids and a vast array of other naturally occurring vital organic fulvic and humic nutrients and components, and,
- Because the premium Leonardite/Carbonaceous Shale source deposit is of fresh-water origin, the fulvic acids, humic acids, and fulvic and humic nutrients and components are extremely bio-available—meaning, the fulvic and humic trace minerals, amino acids, and other fulvic and humic nutrients and components are absorbed by the cells extremely easily and extremely-fast.
Another reason the fulvic and humic nutrients are so easily absorbed is because they have a natural negative(–) electromagnetic charge and the intestinal wall has a positively(+) charged electrochemical gradient. Remember, regarding magnetic poles, opposite magnetic poles (N/S) are attracted to each other, and identical magnetic poles(N/N or S/S) repel each other. So, because the fulvic and humic molecules have a natural negative electromagnetic charge they are attracted to the intestinal wall which has a positively charged electrochemical gradient.
Fulvic contains a vast array of naturally occurring fulvic and humic Trace Minerals, Trace Vitamins, Bio-chemicals, Supercharged antioxidants, Free-radical scavengers, Super oxide dismutases (“SOD”), Phytochemicals, Trace element complexes, Cytokines, Enzymes, Natural hormones, Amino acids, Natural antibiotics, Natural antivirals, and Natural fungicides.
No toxic heavy metals.
No: sodium benzoate, potassium chloride, or other artificial preservatives.
No: heat, acid, or harsh chemicals used during processing.
No: Wheat, gluten, corn, soy, rice, barley, peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, egg, yeast, caffeine, crustacean shellfish, sweeteners, artificial colour, fragrance, monosodium glutamate (MSG), or genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
When potential customers ask us the question: What’s the difference between your product and Brand XYZ? We encourage potential customers to go ahead and buy company XYZ’s product first, and THEN buy and try FULVIC. You tell us the difference!
“With most viruses, the inhibitory effect of (Humic Acid) is directed specifically against an early stage of virus replication, namely virus attachment to cells (Klocking and Sprosig, 1975; Schols et al., 1991; Neyts et al., 1992).”
“…it appears likely that the poly-anionic Humic Acids occupy positively charged domains of the viral envelope glycoproteins, which are necessary for virus attachment to the cell surface (Neyts et al., 1992).”
The below article authored by Dr. William J. Saccoman explains the difference between “organic”plant-derived trace minerals and “inorganic” metallic (potentially toxic) trace minerals.
There is a reason trace minerals are called trace minerals – the body [needs] them in [trace] amounts. The next time you see the elements “aluminum”, “arsenic” and “lead” listed on the label of a product find out whether or not they come from an organic plant source or inorganic metallic source. If the source is inorganic (like the minerals found in most tap water) you should be concerned, however, if the source is organic be assured that the elements are organic plant-derived, essential and 100% safe.
Oxygenating the cell is vital because it enhances energy production.
The term “fulvic acid” is not new. The term originated approximately 200 years ago and has been used ever since, mainly because an acidic agent was originally introduced into the humic solution causing the humic components to separate (as described above). Such acid extraction method is still in use by some processors; however, WE DO NOT USE ANY MANNER OF ACID EXTRACTION during any part of our processing procedures.
There are also other gut biology effects associated with humic acid. These ubiquitous organic acids can assist the breakdown of both the carbohydrate and protein components of bacteria and virus particles while supporting the proliferation of beneficial probiotic species.
Humic substances offer hope for those suffering from chronic and latent viral infections.
“Medical Aspects and applications of Humic Substances: Regarding the anti-viral activity of Humic Sub stances April 9 2012Prof Renate Klocking and Dr rer.nat.Bjorn Helbig, Institure for Antiviral Chemotherpay, Friedberich University, Jena, Germany www.humicnews.com)
The Fulvic Acid Molecule often contains within it structure coenzymes and important factors which the cells utilize in stimulation the manufacturing of enzyme development. (Reference: Williams Dr Roger J 1977)
Each cell when properly nourished is capable of producing its own amino acids, enzymes and other factors necessary for all metabolic processes. Each cell maintains itself, burns its own energy, creates its own proteins, manufactures its own enzymes and duplicates itself. It is therefore important to understand that the total metabolism of the body is the sum total of metabolic operations which is carried on in each individual cell. The nutritional building blocks of these cells may then be considered as maintenance nutrients. These maintenance nutrients must be supplied to the body continually, they are amino acids, major and trace minerals, vitamins and other nutritional factors. The human body can only produce 8 of the amino acids in the body and only one vitamin. It should be noted that vitamins cannot complete their function in the cell’s metabolism without the presence of certain minerals. This is where Fulvic Acid makes the difference as it chelated and binds scores of minerals into bio-available form to be used by the cells, it also is known as an efficient transporter of vitamins into the cell.
Scientists have found that Fulvic Acid makes nutrients more available from the food ingested and thus corrects deficiencies quickly and safely. Fulvic acts as a vehicle that carries nutrient. When minerals ad trace elements from feed sources come into contact with Fulvic Acid, they are dissolved into a form that makes them more active and available to the body by acting as a catalyst. A catalyst is a compound that facilitates a chemical reaction. Fulvic is often referred to as “nature’s miracle molecule”.
Essential trace elements are “essential” only when used in trace amounts. When used in excess they become toxic. The same is true with “major” elements such as iron. As an electrolyte, Fulvic Acid increases the permeability of cell membranes. Excesses of certain minerals can interfere with absorption of other minerals.
Complexed into the Fulvic, nucleic and amino acid team are innumerable and essential minerals and rare earth elements. They are amorphous high molecular weight substances. They are not manufactured and they are natural compounds-micro and macronutrients from plants, phytochemicals. They are concentrated and transformed and are rock like, inert or fossilized. From yellow to brown to dark coloured they remain truly organic. They also contain silica as a part of their excipients. The flavonoid structure comes entirely from microbial action on ancient plant deposits. They contain sodium, ammonium or potassium humates are highly hygroscopic. They will therefore never have the same colour. The uroeza of ammonium chloride, which assists with increased elimination of toxins and to prevent kidney stones or bladder may give the product a slight smell upon opening the container.
Youngsters need protein for maintenance and growth of muscle tissue. Exercise may increase the rate of muscle deposition, thus increasing the protein demand in young, exercising athletes is needed for maintenance and normal growth. Proteins are large compounds made of individual amino acids. Several of the amino acids necessary for muscle deposition cannot be synthesized by the body, and they must be supplied by the diet. As such, the balance of these amino acids or protein quality is an important consideration for exercising diets. Fulvic and Humic acids provide essential organic minerals such as selenium, copper, zinc, iron and substances, within the safety limits as prescribed by the Medicines Control Council, that provide ideal bone, muscle, cartilage and growth as well as essential “Amino Acids” and Enzymes. Don’t overlook our start-up maintenance blend, Fulvic Renew, which provides excellent growth stimulating effects. Fulvic acids become individually unique molecules or multi-mineral compounds that plants, and animals, and humans absorb, assimilate and utilize to support growth and health. (Reference: www.doctorsacross borders.mu/fulvic acid)
complementary or alternative medicines. Our complementary or alternative medicines has not yet been called up for evaluation by the Medicines Control Council however it has been submitted to the Medicines Control Council in …… under registry number……. Our product meets with the terms of the provisions of Regulations 8, 9 and 10 of the Medicines and Related Substances Act, 1965 for Category D and complies with the labelling requirements.
Fibromyalgia, is a syndrome rather than a specific disease. As such there are a complex of symptoms which may or may not be present in any particular clinical instance of fibromyalgia. The most common symptoms, however, can all be helped by fulvic acid complexes as fulvic acid has been shown to be effective in reducing muscle and joint pain, improving sleep, and decreasing fatigue. Generalized muscle stiffness should also be reduced
Scientists found that fulvic acids show significant success in preventing and combating free radical damage to pancreatic islet B cells, which is the widely accepted cause for diabetes mellitus. What they discovered was that the Fulvic acid preparation significantly increases superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. Their clinical studies show that fulvic acids diminish the development and progression of diabetes, and assisted in the treatment.
Bhattacharya, S.K. Activity of shilajit on alloxan-induced hyperglycemia in rats. Fitoterapia, Volume LXVI, No 4, 1995, pg. 328.
An obscure and highly technical U.S. Government report shows that there is a direct correlation between natural soil substances (humus, humic, fulvic) and the absence of tuberculosis in humans. This report and many other studies reveal that certain humic extracts, particularly fulvic acids, contain a magnificently powerful spectrum of natural micronutrients, phytochemicals, anti-viral and antibiotic-like agents that directly inhibit and destroy disease pathogens, while fortifying and regulating the immune system, increasing overall health. In the report, these extracts, although undetermined at that time, are described as being as potent as penicillin in equally small amounts.
This information provides support for the idea that humic substances (fulvic acids) are a
little-known and important missing link throughout the food chain. Modern agricultural
practices have eliminated the humic substances from farm soil, which parallels
increases in viral plant, animal, and human viral infections. Common to rich organic soil
humus, fulvic acids have been shown to have unequalled value in defending plants,
animals, and man against viruses of all kinds, and also in significantly increasing and
balancing immunity. Of interest is also the fact that hospital studies in China showed
that children with serious respiratory infections responded exceptionally well to humic -fulvic extracts when nothing else seemed to work.
Over 50% of hospital patients treated with humic acid for various chronic diseases noticed that they were able to sleep more relaxed.
Bingwen Su, Jiangxi Humic Acid, 3 (1985)
Humic extracts, especially fulvic acids, when administered both topically and orally are proven to regulate the immune system as powerful immunomodulators, and to work as potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents.
In studies with hospital patients with rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disorder, humic extract bath therapy treatment had a 92% success rate. Several hundred similar studies have been performed in China showing that fulvic acid and humic extracts are proven highly successful.
Yuan, Shenyuan; Fulvic Acid, 4 1988; in Application of Fulvic acid and its derivatives in the fields of
agriculture and medicine; First Edition: June 1993
Ghosal, Shibnath. Chemistry of shilajit, an immunomodularory Ayurvedic rasayan. Pure & Appl. Chem.,
vol. 62, 1990, No. 7, pp. 1285-1288.
Hospital studies show that the common cold and related bronchial asthma and respiratory illnesses from infection, can be rapidly cured when patients are treated with fulvic acid. Especially pleasing to parents is the powerful and immediate effect this therapy has on young children.
Erchuan Wang et al, Humic acid, 3 (1991)
We do supply the PH strips to sub agents and suggest that they give it to clients every 6 months. We also recommend
that a client on chronic medication visits their medical practitioner after 6 months to re-evaluate their medication dosages
as it is likely they will need adjusting as the body balances and health improves.
Yes, it is preferable and preferably at 2 x 2 per day.
This has been a verbal suggestion up to now. We prefer a client takes 4 capsules per day. What we
will suggest in the insert is to reduce the dosage of a detox reaction occurs.
The recommended is also in the new insert which is spring or filtered water.
This wording was given to us by the MRA (Medicines Regulation Association) but we are changing this insert to contain a lot more information and the label too! We discussed these necessary changes which are being done as we speak.
The specific properties of our Fulvic Enhanced™ humic and fulvic products enable their application in agriculture and biomedicine for both animal and human use. It is important to know that Humic Substances from different sources vary somewhat in the elemental composition. A complete characterization of our raw material is from result of microbiological and pedological studies and confirmed to have over 690 listed excipients.
It is a macro colloidal molecule and a polyelectrolyte which contains an easily hydrolysable protein and carbohydrate fraction attached to a highly condensed core which is partly aromatic in character with structural elements derived from phenols, carboxyl, carbonyl and quinoa groups together with aliphatic hydroxyl groups as well as heterocyclic nitrogen and oxygen and hydrogen.
Fulvic acid is extracted by an oxidation process in an aqueous medium. The acid aqueous medium contains the Fulvic acid after the oxidation reaction (Extraction).
The residue contains insoluble humic acid which is extracted with aqueous potassium hydroxide. The basic aqueous solution now contains potassium hamate.
Potassium hamate has been tested in an evaluation of the anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties at the University of Pretoria with an additional publication done on our derivative through the Pharmacology Department in the Faculty of Health Sciences.
The ubiquitous presence of humic substances combined with their ability to provide multiple sites for chemical reaction, makes them relevant to numerous biogeochemical processes such as nutrient bioavailability. The ionized Fulvic Acid has a higher negative charge, which increased the energetic barriers and inhibits the approximation of Fulvic Acid caused by the Brownian movement.
Reference: Theoretical study of fulvic acid structure, conformation and aggregation. A molecular modelling approach. Department of Applied Chemistry University of Navarra Spain DOI 10.1016/j.Scitotech.2004.11.026
Reference: Theoretical study of fulvic acid structure, conformation and aggregation. A molecular modelling approach. Department of Applied Chemistry University of Navarra Spain DOI 10.1016/j.Scitotech.2004.11.026
There is no sense to supplementing an expensive organic or complexed mineral that is not absorbed as such, but merely functions as an inorganic mineral once it reaches the absorption site in the SI.
The ideal mineral ligand complex should be:
- Water soluble (for solubilisation in intestinal lumen).
- Stable at the physiological pH range 2 to 7,4 (to prevent dissociation before reaching the
absorption site).
- Stable in the presence of chelating agents.
- Absorbed from the GIT as a complex.
- Result in improved availability of both mineral and ligand, which will culminate in improved animal
Fulvic acid is the lowest molecular weight portion of humic substances. By definition it will be golden in colour where humic acid will be brown to black. the fulvic is absorbed almost instantly (facilitating the delivery of the 74+ nutrients it contains), while the humic passes through the digestive track (where it aids in digestion) By the way, Humic AND fulvic have a very earthy taste (like soil), while fulvic alone has a very strong taste (like lemon).
Virtually all persons from age 18-20 years have body up intoxicated – in some way – with heavy metals (especially mercury, lead and cadmium). But humic acid / fulvic is absolutely necessary especially for all those who suffer from or are susceptible to myocardial infarction, heart attack, strokes, hypertension, impotence, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, varicose veins, osteoporosis, mental fatigue, arthritis, rheumatism.
As we age cholesterol, heavy metals and calcium accumulates on the inner walls of the circulatory system. These deposits are diagnosed under different names: ateroscleorza, hardening of the arteries, arteriosclerosis, etc… Over time, these deposits partially or totally obstructing blood flow. Tissues internal organs do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients leading to malfunction or cease functioning organ. If root is then heart infarction or heart attack occurs if the root is the brain stroke occurs, but only affected organs are the heart and brain. Other organs such as liver, kidneys, sex organs and so on, are affected equally.
Most minerals supplemented today are in their inorganic forms (oxides, sulfates and salts) However, chelation has been used to potentially improve absorption of microminerals. Chelation means “firmly attached”, and in the case of minerals, the inorganic form is attached to an amino acid or other organic component. It also allows the mineral to be considered “organic” following the attachment to an organic substance. Chelation allows the compound to stay together in the digestive tract with a potential increase in absorption.
Fulvic Health do not do comparisons on other supplements on the market. We provide the consumer with information on our product and we try educate our buyer on the fact that in the presence of Fulvic- every other ingredient becomes more effective, assimilation and powerful as it binds and carries the other ingredients and nutrients through a higher molecular level. Most importantly is that you understand that Fulvic is not easily stabilised into a liquid form and most of the chemical bonds are lost. We do not market any peat-based products.
When looking for a supplement, look for one that uses a balanced source of amino acids (building blocks of protein) to promote muscle growth. Our blend contains all essential Amino Acids, naturally chelated and ready for uptake.
We have undergone full registration process of our product and look forward to further expansion in 2014. We confirm that we do not supply our product to any retail outlet as yet, however, we continue to grow through our network of Physiotherapists and specialists in their field. We may not have an agent in your immediate area and therefore we would send product to you at our own cost.
The functional groups within the Fulvic acid spectrum that were also shown responsible for the protective, regenerative, and healing responses of cells. This is our strongest claim made! The product was developed in order to assist with anyone injured or recovering or looking to prevent an injury!
Sulfur, an ingredient in our Fulvic Blend, is necessary in the body however some people may be allergic.
“Wide Spectrum” substance that makes it possible to act as the transcellular transporter
of almost any nutrient or mineral. This is why Fulvic is so unique!
The literature states that these class of compounds has growth related effect as well as health protection capacity by changing some physiology and developing immunity. Lymphocytes play an important role in the body’s defences. They function in the development of immunity. Therefore, the increased relative lymphocyte counts observed in the current study showed that HS may exert a beneficial effect on immune systems.
Humic acid stimulates the resistance forces of the body, and results in an increase in the phagocytic activity. Terratol (2002) also previously proposed that humic acid may stimulate the production of glycoproteins which can regulate the immune system via the maintenance of the balance of killer and T cells.
They inhibit bacterial and fungal growth, thus decrease levels of mycotoxins. Stress management, immune system, anti-inflammatory activity, antiviral properties as well as prevention of intestinal diseases, mainly diarrhoea in humans and animals are described as its beneficial effect.
Remarkable bone regeneration and resorption characteristics were identified when the animal bone implants were impregnated with a low molecular weight humic substance. (fulvic acid). Literature has indicated that the red blood cells have the capability of carrying higher percentages of oxygen when in the presence of humate. (Humic and Fulvic Acid)
A lack of blood oxygen is a major contributing factor for acidity. Excess body acidity is
associated with virtually all degenerative diseases; including heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, kidney stones, tooth decay, sleep disturbances, depressive disorders,and more. Fulvic quickly destroys acid in the body fluids which helps increase the amount of oxygen in the blood.
The Fulvic acid is the chelator that carries the minerals. The humic acid acts as dilator increasing the cell wall permeability. This increased permeability allows easier transfer of minerals from the blood to the bone and cells.
The structure and chemical properties of fulvic acid are thought to be responsible for chelating mineral ions (Plaza et al., 2005), and therefore indirectly affecting nutrient uptake and utilization of these minerals (Aiken et al., 1985; Sanmanee and Areekijseree, 2010).
According to the result, there are promising potential for fulvic acid to become anti-antimicrobial. It seems that within the body, humates stimulate the “good” microbes while suppressing the “bad” microbes. (HuminTech 2004)
Studies have shown that Humic acid inhibit the binding of cells, associated with inflammation, to specific “sticky” molecules on the walls of blood vessels in the vicinity of the inflammation reaction. Another interesting finding was that Humic acid inhibits the activation and/or release of certain blood products (i.e. Cytokines) responsible to stimulate and attract these cells to sites where autoimmune and allergic reactions usually take place, such as airways and joints. In this way Humic acid could protect areas of existing inflammation by stopping inflammatory cells from reaching affected sites, “sticking” to the nearby blood vessels and releasing toxic substances at these sites.
According to Dr George Comstock, of the Training Centre for Public Health Research in Hagerstown, Maryland, antioxidants in the blood are possibly being used to mop up damaging free radicals, by-products of inflammation related to the diseases.
When Fulvic Acid finds a virus it coats it with a substance that not only prevents the virus from attaching to a healthy cell, but also sends a signal to the immune system alerting it of the invader. This kicks the immune system into action against the virus that has been laid vulnerable by this coating. As explained by Dr Howard Peiper Natural humic acid coats viruses and makes it more difficult for them to attach to healthy cells and multiply, Viruses are extremely small organisms that can easily get inside cells. They are parasitic in that they enter healthy cells where they reside and feed off these cells.
While on the lookout for a new group of active agents with the ability to promote wound healing, the doctors came across the humic substances. The doctors that the bone resorption is most easily explained by the known ability of humate to induce the activation of leucocytes. They said that previous experiments had established that the humic substances are able to bind calcium-containing compounds, stimulates granulocytes, Fulvic acid has been shown to activate and stimulate white blood cells, promoting healing, turn inorganic calcium into an organic bio-active cellular regenerative medium conducive to new bone and tissue growth, stimulate cellular growth and regeneration.
Literature shows enhanced surface expression of tissue factor activity. There are also changes in intracellular divalent calcium levels and reports show additional transport of iodine from foods into the thyroid glands. Literature has reported that humates block or reduce the production of stress causing hormones. Dermal, oral and subcutaneous application of HA leads to inhibitory effects on inflammation.
The ability to inhibit inflammation is believed to be related with the flavonoid groups contained in HA.
Humic acids act as dilator increasing the cell wall permeability. This increased permeability
allows easier transfer of minerals from the blood to the bone and cells. (HuminTech, 2004). Fulvic acids capture and removes toxic metals from the body (Fucks et al., 1982) It is clear that humate compounds play a role in the liver function and protects somewhat from disease and/or disturbances (Lotosh 1991)
Fulvic acid is an important source of macro – and micronutrients, and these materials are able to stimulate oxygen transport. (Visser, 1987; Osterberg and Mortensen, 1994).
Fulvic Acid contains all the phytochemical protective substances, amino acid peptides, nucleic acids from the original plant matter, highly refines, transformed and enhanced by the actions of innumerable microscopic plants.
What makes their stored solar energy so different? Substances identified include mono, di and tri-hyroxy acids, fatty acids, dicarboxylic acids, linear alcohols’, phenolic acids and trepenoids. Mixture of many molecules, some based on molecules of aromatic nuclei with phenolic and carboxylic substituent’s, linked together.
Humic Substances have antiphlogostic, absorptive, antitoxic, antibacterial, antiulcerogenic, immunomodulatory and antimicrobial, anti-arthritic, anti-inflammatory properties.
Fulvic Acids are held together by hydrogen bonds to form stable polymeric structures. These are associated with polysaccharides.
Our Fulvic Enhanced products contain a mixture of naturally occurring, biogenic, heterogeneous
organic substances that have remarkable therapeutic effects that accelerates the process of
rehabilitation and recovery better than you may have experienced before in a supplement.
It is believed that Fulvic acids create natural balance for many of life processes.
As an antioxidant, acting alone or in conjunction with other proven ingredients,
it is unrivalled in its ability as a “free-radical” scavenger. Acting at times as an acceptor, and
at other times as a donor (depending upon need), Fulvic acid helps to create balance.
Also noted are powerful superoxide dismutase’s (SODs) and metalloenymes of every conceivable kind.
Naturally occurring organic polyelectrolyte’s do participate in reactions with both organic and inorganic compounds that play a vital role in nutritional physiology of single cells that are beneficial to the positive aspects of growth and maturity.
The original life giving, protective, and healing components from plants (phytochemicals) do not
disintegrate during natures fulvic acid production process, but become highly concentrated. Fulvic acid is a natural water soluble substance of plant origin. It contains many healing phytochemicals
and enzymes which readily disperse throughout the body, even to the interior of cells.
The bacterial and chemical degradation of lignin and other structural carbohydrates in plants are responsible for forming the intermediate products of humic acid and fulvic acid.
(Wersahw, 1989; Gramss et al., 1999)
These intermediate products are then polymerised in the presence of polyphenols.
Fulvic acid contains many reactive functional groups, including carboxyls, hydroxyls, carbonyls,
phenols, quinones and semiquinones (Aiken et al., 1985), contains ALL of the phytochemical
protective substances, amino acid peptides, nucleic acids. These reactive groups make Fulvic
acid a candidate for both metal chelating and antioxidant activity (Glynn, 1995; Plaza et al., 2005)
Sekaly et al. (1999)
The action mechanism in humic substances is associated with their capability to form complex saccharides in the body, which function as modulators of intercellular interaction. These maintain the balance of the immune system activity, and prevent potential inadequate responses. (Riede et al., 1991)
Humic substances contain minute quantities of several minerals, including iron, manganese and copper (Aiken et al., 1985). Berg (2001)
The elements C, H and O along with Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Sulphur (S) found in Fulvic Acid make up the living matter in athletes, with Calcium and Phosphorus forming athlete skeletal bones. (Ref: Special Publication no 273 ASBN O-85404-811-1 The Royal Society of Chemistry 2001)
Carbon is the backbone of most of the body’s structures. Carbon is used in the structure of amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, sugars, lipids, nucleoproteins and nucleic acids. Carbon balances the ventilation of gasses in the lungs and the gasses in the blood supply to match and allows life to properly continue.
Very simple. Clearing arteries and remove heavy metals, all bodies are cleaner, better irrigated with blood (therefore better fed nutrients and oxygen). Similar to a car engine when he clean spark plugs, injectors, carburettor, valves etc. Simply, the engine runs better, consume less, wear out more slowly. Does it seem logical?
Although advertised as a product for weight loss, a great side benefit is that many people report losing excess weight after starting the diet with humic acid / fulvic. Because it helps to correct hormonal imbalances, help correct assimilation of food metabolism and reduces cravings due to lack of minerals. When these changes occur, many people no longer have the desire to eat as much and do not crave bread, pasta, sweets as before.
Perhaps you are familiar with the term “colloidal minerals”. In fact, these molecules are too large to pass easily through cellular membranes and thus provides limited benefits. Scientists have found that humic acid / fulvic is the element that makes minerals absorbable which gives the ability to make a dramatic impact on various diseases and health problems that affect us today.
Not all products on the market, made from humic materials are of high quality. There are many different chemical structures of humic acid / fulvic. Humic materials produced from high quality deposits have a content of 70% humic acid / fulvic, 12% and 18% mineral powder organic ballast.
Products Humicin soluble form of tablets and have the highest percentage of humic acid / fulvic low molecular weight.
Containers that allow the passage of solvent, usually water, while preventing solute loss. The mechanism for solvent transport occurs by adsorption into one container surface, diffusion through the bulk of the container material, and desorption from the other surface. Transport is driven by a partial pressure gradient. Examples of semi-permeable containers include plastic bags and semi-rigid, low-density polyethylene (LDPE) pouches for large volume parenterals (LVPs), and LDPE ampoules, bottles and vials.
Studies have shed light on the chemical nature of humic and fulvic acid chelation reactions (Chen and Stevenson, 1986). An important property of any chelate is the strength with which it holds the micro-mineral. The Log K of a chelate is a way of quantifying its strength. Humic and fulvic acids that have higher oxygen content can have higher Log K values because they possess a greater number of carboxyl and hydroxyl functional groups. This Log K value for humic and fulvic acids: A moderate value is more to be desired.
Micronutrients exist within plant cells in the form of organic chelates. Chelation occurs when certain large molecules (usually those containing carbon) form multiple bonds with the micro mineral. The larger, organic molecule binds the micronutrient to itself in such a way that it protects the micronutrient from reactions with other ions in solution. Figure 1 shows the structure and function of fulvic acid. As an example of chelation with minerals, humic and fulvic acids complex through adjacent functional groups on their benzene-ring structure (Cheam, 1973). In another example, such as with copper the two bonds formed between copper’s positive charges and the negatively charged carboxyl groups protect the copper from interactions with most inorganic humic and fulvic acids possess several functional groups capable of complexing micronutrients. The most important of these functional groups is the carboxylic acid (COOH) and hydroxyl groups (Boyd et. al., 1981). When these functional groups occupy adjacent positions on the benzene ring backbone of humic and fulvic acids, chelation can occur
YES! Unless your doctor specifically prohibits you from taking it. Fulvic and Humic are also known for their abilities to support the body in detoxification, removal of heavy metals, and reducing harmful side-effects of radiation treatment. If you are on chemotherapy or receiving radiation treatments remember to consult with your doctor before taking Fulvic. Keep in mind that many doctors have no knowledge at all about fulvic or humic. You may want to print the Fulvic Acid Report and some of the other educational documents that we have available on this Web site and present them to your doctor to read. Your doctor may very well be grateful that you did. (We have several [happy] customers that are doctors that had not heard about fulvic and humic minerals and when they read the reports about fulvic and humic minerals they began taking Fulvic & Humic themselves as well as providing it to their patients with good results.
One of the benefits of Fulvic is it helps the body to detoxify.
Some people may experience mild detoxification when they begin taking the product. Signs of detoxification may include: mild diarrhoea, mild joint aches, flu-like symptoms, phlegm, etc. The detox reaction is typically only short-term (a day or so up to a few weeks). The detox reaction is a normal, and even healthy reaction that may indicate healing. The most common problem with detox is that people sometimes stop taking the supplement and thus discontinue taking the very substance that is most likely helping the body recover. Although the experience may not be pleasurable, the detox symptoms are generally an indication that healing is taking place.
If you experience any detox symptoms you may simply reduce the dosage, then, as your body becomes stronger and you start feeling better you can move towards the recommended dosages.
Research shows that organic plant-derived trace minerals will actually replace the heavy metals deposited in the body. The heavy metals are then flushed from the body.
There is a huge difference between an organic and an inorganic mineral. Once a plant source utilizes minerals from the ground, they are digested, making them ionic or electrical by nature. This make it easier for the body to assimilate and use the minerals at a cellular level. Subsequently, they are not stored or deposited somewhere else in the body. Trace minerals in their inorganic form are not easy for the body to use. They are stored in the tissues and eventually large amounts build up and become extremely toxic.
In the late 1980’s an interesting experiment was conducted by Gary Price Todd, MD, author of the book Nutrition, Health and Disease. The study involved individuals with heavy metal poisoning, specifically lead, mercury, cadmium and aluminium. Patients were placed on a program of full spectrum bio-available organic, micro trace minerals.
After 16 months the study demonstrated reduced levels of toxic metals in the patients. The concluded that organic, ionic minerals naturally chelate or remove the inorganic minerals from the body. Furthermore, ionic minerals cannot be stored in the body for longer than a few hours, there are much like the water-soluble vitamins; therefore, they cannot build up to toxic levels in the soft tissues. (Todd, Gary P. Unpublished Observations, The Institute of Nutritional Science Journal, June 1996, 1:1)
Another study on trace minerals and detoxification was conducted by Dr. Michael Zimmerman, Chief of Staff of the Specialized Clinic for Chronic Illnesses and Therapy Resistant Patients and Biophysicist, Dr Fritz Albert Popp in Uberlingen, Germany. They concluded that trace minerals were not toxic, but rather assisted the cells’ vital functions and enhanced detoxification as well as accelerated the healing process of chronic illness. (Popp, Fritz Albert. Bio-electronic Response of Cellular Stimulation).
Like lead, mercury and other metals, arsenic is toxic when it comes from an inorganic source. However, from an organic source it is an essential micro-mineral needed by the body in minute quantities (The Nutrition Bible, Joan Anderson and Barbara Deskins, 1995). In a recent study where, organic arsenic was given to 12 patients with leukaemia, 11 went into remission. The treatment apparently stops cancer cells from reproducing and then they self-destruct (New England Journal of Medicine, November 1998).
Patients with cancer causing tumours of the oesophagus had 100% success rate in preventing tumour progression into the cancerous state when treated for two years with a humic extract solution.
Yuan, Shenyuan; Fulvic Acid, 4 1988; in Application of Fulvic acid and its derivatives in
the fields of agriculture and medicine; First Edition: June 1993
About the Benefits
Outside of technical circles, Fulvic Acid is virtually unknown. In plants, Fulvic Acid stimulates metabolism, provides respiration, increases metabolism of proteins and activity of multiple enzymes, enhances the permeability of cell membranes, cell division and elongation, buffers Ph., contributes to electrochemical balance as a donor or an acceptor, decomposes silica to release essential mineral nutrients, detoxifies pollutants such as pesticides and herbicides in animals and heavy metal in humans. Fulvic Acid is found in pre-historic deposits which is naturally rich in oxygen. Each molecule of Fulvic contains 14 carbon atoms, 12 hydrogen atoms and 8 oxygen atoms. Oxygen is the key element for the body’s primary functions, flushing toxins, and well-being. Boosting oxygen levels enables new white cells to form and strengthen the immune system. The zwitterionic character of humic substances allows the interaction of anions with positively charged groups of humics and cations with negative charged groups of these substances. The unique chemical properties of humic substance products enable their application in industry, agriculture, environmental and biomedicine. Due to the polyfunctionality, humic substances are one of the most powerful chelating agents among natural organic substances.
As a precautionary measure, lactating women may not be advised to take Fulvic acid. Fulvic and Humic Acid plays a role in protecting your cells from oxidation that occurs from environmental toxins. It makes nutrients more soluble and available for use by the cells in your body. Fulvic and Humic Acid is an antioxidant that fights off the damage incurred from free radicals that enter your body through the food you eat and through outside environmental toxins. It is an electrolyte that helps balance the minerals that drive neurons in your brain. Fulvic and Humic Acid is very rich in minerals with fulvic acid, amino acids and humic acid which help with digestion and immune system functions in pregnant women. I have recommended Renew with Fulvic in the past for pregnant ladies.
Humic and Fulvic Acids stimulate and promote plant development, resulting in higher yields. Humic and Fulvic Acids improve the structure of soil and increase water retention, seed germination, root growth and quality of yields. For soils to remain fertile, humus must either be replaced or added. Applying Humic and Fulvic Acids does this and increases the natural fertility process in the soil. The most important feature of Humic and Fulvic Acids is their ability of binding ions which produces bio-chemical reactions known as chelation. This makes the nutrients more readily available to the plants for the proper growing process. As a result, Humic and Fulvic Acids produce three types of effects on soil and plant: They physically modify the structure of soil, they chemically change the fixation properties of the soil and they biologically stimulate the plant and the activities of microorganisms.
There are no known side effects. Fulvic and Humic Acid is a nutritional supplement and as such unused portions are naturally flushed from the body when not required or too much has been ingested. You cannot overdose on Fulvic Acid. There are however side effects if you take FulvicExcel and you are sulfur intolerant or allergic to seafood. Be sure to check on the precautions before ordering.
You may not wish to take Fulvic and Humic Acid after 6:00 p.m., or before sleeping, due to its energizing properties.
Fulvic and Humic Acid re-establishes balance and inflow of energy to all cells in the body. It delivers a continuous stream of essential minerals and enzymes in ionic form, fully permeating the cell membrane. Just one drop of Fulvic and Humic Acid can emanate 77,000 angstrom units of radiant life energy (cancer patients radiate at 1,875 angstroms, the same as white bread).
Fulvic and Humic Acid also supplies more oxygen and nutrients to the brain, producing pleasant feelings of well-being. It helps the immune system and nervous system function more effectively as cellular communication improves, and it increases vibrational frequencies of all body organs ensuring a high resistance to stress and disease.
Because different people have different needs, each individual will respond in a unique manner. We recommend 4 capsules per day, 2 in the morning before or with breakfast and 2 in the afternoon. Depending on how you are feeling, you may reduce or increase the dosage. If you take less, the process of detoxification will slow down. If you take more, the process will accelerate. You cannot overdose on Fulvic acid, because it is a nutritional supplement made from natural substances. The body will use what it needs and eliminate what it does not need.
For a few days after beginning to take Fulvic acid, your body will to begin to undergo a mild detoxification process that cleanses and revitalizes removing toxins build up and flushing it out of your body. You may notice loose bowels or joint soreness as disease causing pollutants are gradually removed. Remember, it is only through the remarkable properties of oxygen that toxins can be completely flushed from our bodies so trust that your body is responding as it is supposed to. After all, our bodies are 2/3 water and if that water has been “dirty” for a long time, it’s no wonder there are toxins anxious to be flushed out! If you are feeling stressed or run down, you can take additional dosages. If you are doing physical work, playing sports, working late, it is fine to take an extra dose of Fulvic and Humic Acid to give your body additional energy. Please avoid ingesting chlorine – so take your Fulvic with filtered, clustered or distilled water that is purified. Be sure to check out our Aquaphor SMILE Portable Water Pitcher which removes Chlorine from water. FulvicExcel has allergens. FulvicRenew does not.
Fulvic may come as a water-soluble substance either in liquid form or in the form of sodium, potassium or ammonium humates as salt derivatives. The biological effects of humic substances can be different, depending on their chemical structure and physicochemical properties and the Quinone functional group of Fulvic acid. Chemical composition, structure, and functional groups can vary greatly, depending on the origin and age of the humic substance and the conditions of the humification process (humidity, aeration, temperature, mineral microenvironment. Fulvic Health Pty manufacture a product that is made with the highest quality of over 690 identified scientific carbon atom excipients in a salt derivative. In over 0 years of research it has been established that no laboratory in SA has the ability to stabilise a liquid form of Fulvic to ensure safety and stability. Due to the “concentration of a liquid source”, suppliers mostly add Potassium Chloride, a chemical preservative that is unhealthy to the body (in high amounts can even stop a person’s heart) in order to preserve it before bottling or a type of fungus will start growing in the bottles. Fulvic Acids derived from coal contain high concentrations of heavy metals including aluminium, mercury, cadmium, chromium and lead that are harmful to humans and should be avoided in pharmaceutical preparations. Ref: us Patent Office Dec 7 2011 Chinese application 200980128246.4 Cronje et al April 1993
Since humic substances have existed in nature well before human existence, research continues today to determine if humic substances pose a threat to human health. Humic acid has been used in ethnic medicine for thousands of years, and traces of humic acid used to occur naturally in all our food and water. But our modern agriculture has killed the soil microbes that create it and now, like a baby with the bath water, it is filtered out of the water we drink. Locally, from 1998 the department of Immunology at UP did collaborative research into the medical properties if humic and fulvic acid. A research team led by Professor Connie Medlen, an immunologist did a series of in vitro and animals tests. The test results showed that humic acid has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral effects. E.g. Joon′e et al.2001, 2003: van rensburg et al. 2002. Other dissertations done of our ingredient have been done at the Pharmacology department which has assisted with our recommended use. FvA has been shown to increase absorption of nutrients and drugs and therefore we recommend that the product is nt taken concurrently with other medication but to take up to 2 hours before medication for maximum absorption rate.
Those endemic conditions are associated only with well water humic substances, which are ingested in extremely high amounts and are also contaminated with high levels of arsenic and other toxic compounds.
As originated in nature, or through very high-quality processing and refining, fulvic acids are biologically active, low molecular weight (i.e., small molecules) derived from humates or fulvates. Regardless of the still unknown structure of humic substances and the great efforts to elucides, it is known that their major functional groups include carboxylic, phenolic, carbonyl, hydroxyl, amine, amide and aliphatic moieties, among others. Due to this polyfunctionality, humic substances are one of the most powerful chelating agents among natural organic substances. Natural organic colloids (humic and fulvic acids) are important because they form water-soluble complexes with many metals including radionuclides (Lubal et al. 1998, Lubal et al. 2000, Pacheco and Havel 2001, Ghabbour et al. 2001). The humic substances group can be divided into three components based on their solubility: fulvic acids, humic acids, and humin. Fulvic acids and humic acids represent alkalisoluble humus fragments and humin represents the insoluble residue. These organics may therefore be important as radionuclide transport agents through the environment. It is known that the presence of humic substances in natural waters can influence the uptake of radionuclides by natural solids and thus their migration to surface and ground waters (Bondietti 1982, Samanidou et al. 1991). Ion-exchange materials based on calcium humate were found suitable for the removal of such heavy metals as iron, nickel, mercury, cadmium and Peňa-Méndez et al.: Humic substances.
Hyaluronic acid is a glycosaminoglycan. In osteoarthritis, changes occur in the hyaluronic acid found in cartilage leading to degradation of the cartilage. With continued use, Fulvic Enhanced™ products are able to aid the natural manufacture process of glycosaminoglycan to firm cartilage tissue. As published in WebMed “There isn’t enough information about hyaluronic acid to know if it is safe when taken by mouth”. Under joint health information by Ray Sahelian, M.D.: “Whether ingested as a pill it is able to easily enter joint tissue is not fully understood at this time. As to the injectable form, the results are mixed. At this time, I don’t have a strong opinion on the benefit of oral form of hyaluronic acid since I have not come across many studies evaluating its effectiveness for joints.”
“Humic substances (HS) are major components of the natural organic matter (NOM) in soil and water as well as in geological organic deposits such as lake sediments, peats, brown coals and shales. They make up much of the characteristic brown colour of decaying plant debris and contribute to the brown or black colour in surface soils. They are major components of NOM in surface waters and at higher concentrations can impart a dark colour, especially in brown fresh water ponds, lakes, and streams. In leaf litter or composts, the colour may be yellowish-brown to black, depending on the degree of decay and concentration.
Humic substances are very important components of soil that affect physical and chemical properties and improve soil fertility. In aqueous systems, like rivers, about 50% of the dissolved organic materials are HS that affect pH and alkalinity. In terrestrial and aquatic systems HS affect the chemistry, cycling and bioavailability of chemical elements, as well as transport and degradation of xenobiotic and natural organic chemicals. They affect biological productivity in aquatic ecosystems, as well as the formation of disinfection by-products during water treatment.
Humic substances are complex and heterogeneous mixtures of polydispersed materials formed by biochemical and chemical reactions during the decay and transformation of plant and microbial remains (a process called humification). Plant lignin and its transformation products, as well as polysaccharides, melanin, cutin, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, fine char particles, etc., are important components taking part in this process.
Humic substances in soils and sediments can be divided into three main fractions: humic acids (HA or HAs), fulvic acids (FA or FAs) and humin. The HA and FA are extracted from soil and other solid phase sources using a strong base (NaOH or KOH). Humic acids are insoluble at low pH, and they are precipitated by adding strong acid (adjust to pH 1 with HCl). Humin cannot be extracted with either a strong base or a strong acid.
Aquatic HS contain only HA and FA and these components are generally removed from water by lowering the pH to 2 and adsorbing both components on a suitable resin column. The HA and FA are extracted from the resin with strong base followed by lowering the pH to 1 to precipitate the HA. The resin column separation is also used to separate FA from the non-humic materials (amino acids, peptides, sugars, etc.) extracted from soils. At low pH the FA adsorbs on the resin, but non-humic materials pass through the column.
Humic substances are highly chemically reactive yet recalcitrant with respect to biodegradation. Most of the data on HA, FA and humin refer to average properties and structure of a large ensemble of components of diverse structure and molecular weight. The precise properties and structure of a given HS sample depends on the water or soil source and the specific conditions of extraction. Nevertheless, the average properties of HA, FA and humin from different sources are remarkably similar.”
NOTE: The above quoted is from International Humic Substances Society
Fulvic acids are the smallest, lightest molecular-weight components of “humic acids”. They are acid chains/conglomerate molecules. As created by nature, the very small, low molecular weight humic components (“fulvic acids”) are originally created by soil-based micro-organisms (“SBO’s”) which, in turn, make minerals and other nutrients assimiliable by plants. Millions of years ago (and today) SBO’s consume the decayed plant organic matter in the humate deposits and the organisms subsequently excrete a waste material (digested decayed plant organic matter) back into the earthy material. The cycle continues over and over, on and on – nature’s own natural chelation process.
The complex photosynthetic reactions – produced in all plants – produce the nutritional components needed for all the various parts of the plants. Muco-polysaccharides (a class of carbohydrates such as starches and cellulose) flow throughout the plant as nourishment and some of this is returned to the roots where the soil-based micro-organisms are re-nourished to produce (excrete) additional digested humic components which combines with minerals and other nutrients in the soil to continue the cycle.
Fulvic acids are a biologically active mixture of weak aliphatic* and aromatic organic acids which are soluble in water and all pH conditions (acidic, neutral, and alkaline). Fulvic acids are the smaller and lighter weight (molecular weight) parts of humic acids having molecular weights which range from approximately 2,000 or less”.
*Aliphatic means: “Of, relating to, or being a group of organic chemical compounds in which the carbon atoms are linked in open chains”
Without an adequate amount of digestive enzymes, food is not digested properly and can become impacted and then putrefy. Bacteria, yeast, and fungus thrive in this environment and excrete toxins. All of these toxins from putrefied food and microbial secretions are absorbed back into the body as it tries to absorb missing vitamins and minerals, as well as water when we are not properly hydrated. Humic acid also provides intestinal cells with much-needed nutrients and helps to support a beneficial environment so cells can function at their best. Most importantly, it provides the building blocks for the production of digestive enzymes. Humic acid also provides much-needed fibre that is missing in most diets. Humic acid is among the best fibre supplements anyone can take. Additionally, humic acid helps create a healthy microbial balance by supporting “good bacteria” with plant-based nutrition. It can also help eliminate candida, viruses, and other types of problematic microbes from the intestinal tract.
Important note: When starting a supplement containing concentrated humic acid, it is important to do so slowly. Humic acid is a powerful detoxifier, and intestinal detoxification symptoms are common if started too quickly. Most practitioners and dieticians are aware of this and will advise you to start slowly.
High water temperature enhances the growth of microorganisms and may increase taste, odour, colour and corrosion problems from its source.
Fulvic Acid is an efficient transporter of vitamins into a cell, it complexes vitamins into its structure where they are presented to the cell in combination with complexed minerals and then utilized immediately. In the absence of organic or naturally chelated trace minerals bonded to a carbon molecule (such as Fulvic), vitamins are unable to perform their proper function. Reference: Catalyst to Vitamins Dr Roger Williams Bio-Communications Press Wichita Kansas
The chloride (CI) present is a macro-mineral commonly referred to as an “electrolyte” because it helps to maintain the body’s acid/base balance and hydration status. It is also known as “salt” when combined with its partner Sodium. Chloride is an essential component of two intestinal secretions necessary for digestion and absorption of nutrients namely bile and hydrochloric acid (HCl), better known as “Stomach acid”.
When humates (fulvic and humic acid dry mixes) are exposed in the system the sulphide, sulphur compounds, hydrogen, carboxylic acids, amines react with moisture, hydrolyzes. These are then in ideal natural form to be absorbed and interact with living cells.
Concentrated raw humate material used to make humic and fulvic acids can be found all over the world. However, not many sources are suitable to use in making humic and fulvic acid supplements. Raw humate deposits were formed from prehistoric plant material – primarily from the Cretaceous period – that have been compacted over time. Fulvic Health obtain our source of raw material that is highly energetic, electron-rich, and oxygenated and suitable as an alternative health care supplement and is derived from one of these areas. It meets exacting benchmarks that define a superior quality raw material, a desirable mineral and element profile, and has extraction methods to guarantee the absence of heavy metals.
Fulvic Excel for Sport Performance
Lactic acids and Carbon Dioxide are by products that can affect performance and recovery in different ways and both can be remedied with oxygen. Following strenuous exercise, the Lactic acid may further contribute to the pain and soreness experienced. Supplementation immediately after sprints as a part of the “warm down” process may assist to re-introduce oxygen to the muscle cells thus relieving pain. Fulvic acid naturally contains around 45% oxygen which is delivered directly to the body. This will help to train and perform longer and will also reduce the oxygen debt after exercise with great rejuvenation benefits. It must be noted though that you will need to supplement with The Fulvic Enhanced for at least two months before this effect is fully noticed.
Yes. Fulvic acid naturally contains around 45% oxygen which is delivered directly to the muscle cells. This will help prevent lactic acid build up in the muscles and not only help you train or play for longer, but it will also reduce the oxygen debt after exercise and therefore you should recover quicker. It must be noted though that you will need to take Fulvic Enhanced for at least two months before this effect is noticed.
Lactic acids and Carbon Dioxide are by products that can affect performance and recovery in different ways and both can be remedied with oxygen. Following strenuous exercise, the Lactic acid may further contribute to the pain and soreness experienced. Supplementation immediately after sprints as a part of the “warm down” process may assist to re-introduce oxygen to the muscle cells thus relieving pain. Fulvic acid naturally contains around 45% oxygen which is delivered directly to the body. This will help to train and perform longer and will also reduce the oxygen debt after exercise with great rejuvenation benefits. It must be noted though that you will need to supplement with The Fulvic Enhanced for at least two months before this effect is fully noticed.
The properties of carbon make it the backbone of organic molecules. Hydrogen has the potential as a novel antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. Oxygen allows cellular respiration and muscle energy. Nitrogen to prevent losing lean tissue after illness. Amino acids, which contain both nitrogen and sulphur which is needed for the repair of muscle tissue.
Sulphur is a macro mineral and is an essential constituent of amino acids and is readily absorbed as this form is organic.
Muscles require oxygen from blood for fuel. Red blood cells serve as the oxygen-carrying cells in the blood. A higher red blood cell count ⁼ more oxygen in the blood ⁼ more muscle energy. Elevated muscle energy helps you perform harder, faster and longer during endurance and sporting events. Red blood cells and haemoglobin stay on normal levels under the influence of Humate; literature has indicated that the red blood cells have the capability of carrying higher percentages of oxygen when in the presence of Humate. Humates have been shown to the collagen fibres to aid in repair of damaged tendons and bone. Tendon strength has been shown to increase by as much as 75%.
When taken regularly for at least 90 days, studies have shown that Fulvic Acid can allow you to recover quicker and perform longer. It prevents lactic acid build up and metabolic waste by supplying a rich source of oxygen for your body to utilize so you may notice your muscles will not be as sore after vigorous exercise.
About Fulvic Equine Ingredients
Humates exist in many locations around the world, but vary in composition. They are hydrocarbons and contain aromatic and heterocyclic structures, carboxyl groups, carboxyl groups, and nitrogen and oxygen. They contain fragments of DNA, RNA and possess many active hydrogen bonding sites making them very chemically reactive. The Chinese, have been utilising sodium humates in the animal feed industry for over 25 years and they are passionate about the many benefits. Fulvic Health hold manufacturing rights under a proprietary blend including a Fulvic blend containing over 660 Carbon Atom bonds. (This Vitrinistic Report is available from Fulvic Health) and we hold patent rights 2011/201567 in Class 5 : Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Preparations and Class 35: Business Services, Research and Information, Import-Export Agencies in relation to veterinary and pharmaceutical products and nutritional supplements of all kinds. In recent years the interest in the use of humic substances has increased. Nowadays, humic substances are used in agriculture, industry, environmental and bio-medicine in many parts of the world.
The specific properties of our Fulvic Enhanced™ humic and fulvic products enable their application in agriculture and biomedicine for both animal and human use. It is important to know that Humic Substances from different sources vary somewhat in the elemental composition. A complete characterization of our raw material is from result of microbiological and pedological studies and confirmed to have over 690 listed excipients. It is a macro-colloidal molecule and a polyelectrolyte which contains an easily hydrolysable protein and carbohydrate fraction attached to a highly condensed core which is partly aromatic in character with structural elements derived from phenols, carboxyl, carbonyl and quinoid groups together with aliphatic hydroxyl groups as well as heterocyclic nitrogen and oxygen and hydrogen. Fulvic acid is extracted by an oxidation process in an aqueous medium. The acid aqueous medium contains the fulvic acid after the oxidation reaction (Extraction). The residue contains insoluble humic acid which is extracted with aqueous potassium hydroxide. The basic aqueous solution now contains potassium humate. Potassium humate has been tested in an evaluation of the anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties at the University of Pretoria with an additional publication done on our derivative through the Pharmacology Department in the Faculty of Health Sciences.
We have two different blends available: Fulvic Excel ™ Concentrate and the Fulvic Renew™ Concentrate.
You need to evaluate your horse’s needs and choose a blend accordingly. Horses are individuals and must be managed as such if maximum athletic performance is to be achieved. Humic substances are the most common forms of organic carbon in the natural environment. Both products contain this hidden secret. The difference is in the other ingredients. You need to evaluate your horse’s needs and choose a blend accordingly. Fulvic Health offer advice at all times. Call 011 425-1037.
Use FULVIC EXCEL™ offers you an all in one solution to assist the athletic horse to perform better, to recover quicker and to train smarter with less injury. This product with help your horse push the envelope. It offers better performance by improving the nutritive value of feed. Healing of injuries in quicker. Mineral transfer is improved, toxic metals are removed, balance is achieved, and stress is better managed. The product has proven anti-inflammatory and joint support properties. Collagen uptake is improved. Tendon, ligament and muscle strength is increased. Assists with bone degeneration and bone defects. Less aches and pain. The product has anti-viral and immune building properties. Able to carry more oxygen. Antioxidant and a poly electrolyte. Better coat and better eyesight.
Use FULVIC RENEW™ is an antimicrobial feed additive to improve the economy and ecology of your horse by increasing growth rate, decreasing feed expenditure per gain and diminishing the risk of disease. The perfect solution for a young or retired horse, a horse with a gut or hoof issue. The ingredients enhance nutrient utilization and maintain health status and improves the immune system. Reduces cravings. Reduces the incidence of diarrhoea and other digestive upsets. There is more Humic Acid in this blend to stabilize the intestinal flora and protect the GI Tract against toxins and infections. Humic Acids are said to improve protein digestion as well as calcium and trace mineral utilization, already found in the product. Yearlings and 2-year-olds need protein for maintenance and growth of muscle tissue. Fulvic Renew™ may influence, in particular, the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates in microbes. This results in a direct devastation of bacterial cells or viral particles, which should result in improved growth performance. The product has anti-viral properties and raises resistance against non-specific disease. Plays a role in liver function. The product has immune building properties. Able to carry more oxygen. Antioxidant and a poly electrolyte. Better coat and better eyesight. Improved cognitive ability. Improved bioavailability of other supplements and feed.
Exercise may increase the rate of muscle deposition, thus increasing the protein demand in young, exercising horses. (10 to 20 percent above amounts needed for maintenance and normal growth). Several of the amino acids necessary for muscle deposition cannot be synthesized by the horse’s body, and they must be supplied by the diet. As such, the balance of these amino acids or protein quality is an important consideration for exercising horse diets. Energy is a natural response while supplementing with Fulvic Enhanced products without making the horse hot. FULVIC EXCEL ™ has a natural amino acid profile that is not listed on the label. The Fulvic and Humic Acid, as well as additional ingredients, will assist to provide all necessary components for structural improvement of muscle, tendon and joint stability. FULVIC EXCEL™ offers stress management, immune system, anti-inflammatory activity, antiviral properties. So, if your horse is in competitive sport and travelling and subject to extremes of heat or cold, it needs additional support for quicker recovery after exercise. You must especially use this blend if your horse has suffered from an injury and suffers with recurring flare-ups.
We highly recommend this product for Foals from as early as first weaned. Additionally, horses with decreased gastrointestinal motility or senior horses that have difficulty digesting and absorbing feed benefit a great deal from continued supplementation. Also beneficial for horses with dentition problems due to reduction in nutrient absorption. The product may improve body condition, coat, age-related muscle loss, slackening connective tissue, malnutrition and has already proven itself in our market as an incredible product which is kinder on the budget when times are tough. Detoxification is the pre-eminent consideration in a proactive health approach, this product is a detoxifier. Highly recommend after infection, changing feeds or stressful times. We often recommend Fulvic Renew in the morning feed as the mineral needed and Moringa in the afternoon feed as the Vitamin need. Excellent in breeding environments.
It must be considered that the effects of Fulvic and Humic Acids may also be associated with the administration period, and long-term administration may exert a more prominent effect.
This product should be taken every day either in the morning or afternoon feed. Best taken by a young horse to the geriatric horse looking for the extra edge in performance. This product is for the working performance horse. The product will meet high nutritional needs as is highly recommended for all horses from 2 years of age as it increases the absorption and utilization of protein, nutrients especially vitamins and minerals. A vitality booster for work horses, racing and show horses and performance horses.
Soluble humic acid is available as either potassium humates or sodium humates (i.e. humic acid is only soluble in an alkaline base). Potassium humates are the product of choice for the soil because extra sodium is rarely required here. Sodium humates are preferable for animals as sodium is an important inorganic electrolyte for animal health and good levels should be maintained at all times.
The Chondroitin Sulfate in our formula is produced from enzymatic digestion of bovine animal tissues and provides better benefits than manufactured Chondroitin ( CTPP, 2002; Klinkenborg, 2001; Roy, 1998). It is a normal constituent of cartilage. It is a GAG consisting of alternating disaccharide subunits of glucutonic acid and sulphated N-acetylgalactosamine to form chondroitin-4-sulfate and chondroitin-6-sulfate.
Hyaluronic acid is a glycosaminoglycan. In osteoarthritis, changes occur in the hyaluronic acid found in cartilage leading to degradation of the cartilage. With continued use, Fulvic Enhanced™ products are able to aid the natural manufacture process of glycosaminoglycan to firm cartilage tissue. As published in WebMed “There isn’t enough information about hyaluronic acid to know if it is safe when taken orally”. Under joint health information by Ray Sahelian, M.D.
Digestive enzymes are complex proteins involved in digestion that stimulate chemical changes in other substances. Digestive enzymes help break down these complex sugars into simple sugars that are more easily digestible. Nutrition in animals relies on digestive enzymes. Different enzymes have different functions. Therefore you get the benefit of a product that has plant-derived enzymes as in Fulvic and Humic Acid, as well as Bromelain which is a mixture of sulfur-containing protein-digesting enzymes, called proteolytic enzymes or proteases, and lastly, Papain which hydrolyzes proteins to form oligopeptides and amino acids and protein digesting properties. Digestive enzymes purpose is to break down components of food so that they can be taken up by the organism. Enzymes are necessary within biological cells because most chemical reactions required by the cell would occur too slowly to sustain life. Enzymes are essential to living organisms.
Fulvic Acid in its naturally occurring, concentrated form has a pH of about 3.0. This pH is not the result of using chemicals or acids during extraction, it is the pH of Fulvic Acid at its natural concentrated state. Once Fulvic Acid is diluted with water, the pH is raised due to the higher pH of the added water, and will normally become 7.0-9.0, depending on how alkaline your water source is. (Another reason we are adamant that clients drink Fulvic with Purified water only and not chlorinated water) If a bottled Fulvic Acid liquid product already has a high pH of 7.0-9.0, it has already been diluted out with water, thus contains small amounts of Fulvic Acid. Wouldn’t you rather get the full effects of the Fulvic and Humic Minerals in a powdered and unadulterated form? We are also concerned that once the container is opened it loses its efficacy, safety and shelf life. Our Fulvic is a water-soluble substance either in liquid form or in the form of sodium, potassium or ammonium or carbohydrate humates as “salt derivatives”. The biological effects of humic substances can be different, depending on their chemical structure and physicochemical properties and the quinone functional group of Fulvic acid. Chemical composition, structure, and functional groups can vary greatly, depending on the origin and age of the humic substance and the conditions of the humification process (humidity, aeration, temperature, mineral microenvironment. Our product has over 690 identified carbon atom bonds present is the salt derivate powder form making it highly effective of which may be lost in a liquid form as a liquid form of Fulvic and Humic substances are not easily “stabilised” in a liquid form.
Humic acids are able to form a protective film on the mucous epithelium of the gastro-intestinal tract against infections and toxins. They reduce or fully prevent the resorption of toxic metabolites after infections in case of residues of harmful substances in the body or in the case of animals, from animal feed or when switching to new feeds. Furthermore, humic acids also help to prevent excessive loss of water through the intestine. Humic acids have the ability specifically to influence microbial metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates.
Fulvic Acid usually carries 70 or more minerals and trace elements as part of its molecular complexes. Minerals are essential component in correct nutrition, particularly for young growing horses as a lack Fulvic Acids and Humic Acids shows that the major elements in their composition are Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Sulfur. (Gajdo-ová et al. 2001, Tan 2003, Kurková et al. 2004).
- The properties of carbon make it the backbone of organic molecules
- Hydrogen has the potential as a novel antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects
- Oxygen allows cellular respiration and muscle energy
- Nitrogen to prevent losing lean tissue after illness. Amino acids, which contain both nitrogen and sulphur which is needed for the repair of muscle tissue.
- Sulphur is a macro mineral and is an essential constituent of amino acids and is readily absorbed as this form is organic. The Fulvic Enhanced ™ ingredient is bonded to a calcium molecule which supply a chelated form of calcium with improved absorption.
Two separate SANAS approved laboratories have conducted analysis and identified the safety levels of all trace minerals present and to ensure there are no heavy metals present in the product at any unsafe level. As the product still falls within a category D, this medicine has not been evaluated by the Medicines Control Council until call up notice is notified. This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Regulation 40(1) (q) by regulation 22 of Government Notice R870 in Government Gazette 37032 dated 15 November 2013.
It is best to administer the Fulvic Enhanced™ on its own and not concurrently with any medication or other vitamin products. An hour apart is the recommended waiting time.
Soluble humic acid is available as either potassium humates or sodium humates (i.e. humic acid is only soluble in an alkaline base). Sodium humates are preferable for animals as sodium is an important inorganic electrolyte for animal health and good levels should be maintained at all times. We use Sodium humates and it is dried and packed to guarantee shelf life. Once the bag is opened the product should not have any exposure to water or sunlight. The bag should be re-sealed especially if in a moist room and the bucket closed in between use.
Cells have the ability to accept or reject minerals, including aluminium, lead, arsenic, mercury, etc., at their discretion when presented as organic fulvic acid complexes. It should be considered that these minerals may not necessarily be present to “nourish” cells, but are needed to act as “electrodes” in the fulvic electrolyte solution. In that capacity they are probably most essential for bio-reactions, electron transfer, catalytic reactions and transmutations. Fulvic acid carries complexed minerals in “trace” amounts only, and should not be confused with metallic minerals.
Minerals with a negative electrical charge are attracted to the H+ ion. These are called acid minerals. Acid minerals include: chlorine (Cl-), sulfur (S-), phosphorus (P-), and they form hydrochloric acid (HCl), sulfuric acid (H2SO4), and phosphoric acid (H3PO4). Minerals with a positive electrical charge are attracted to the negatively charged OH- ion. These are called alkaline minerals. Nutritionally important alkaline minerals include calcium (Ca+), potassium (K+), magnesium (Mg+), and sodium (Na+). To determine if a food is acid or alkaline, it is burned and the ash is mixed with water. If the solution is acid or alkaline then the food is called acid or alkaline. Ash is the mineral content of the food.
The chloride (CI) present is a macro-mineral commonly referred to as an “electrolyte” because it helps to maintain the body’s acid/base balance and hydration status. It is also known as “salt” when combined with its partner Sodium. Chloride is an essential component of two intestinal secretions necessary for digestion and absorption of nutrients namely bile and hydrochloric acid (HCI), better known as “stomach acid”.
The difference between Leonardite and other sources of humic acids lies in the fact that Leonardite is extremely bioactive through its molecular structure. This biological activity is said to be about five times stronger than other humic matter. Leonardite is organic matter, which has not reached the state of coal and differs from soft brown coal by its high oxidation degree, a result of the process of coal formation. This may have an over chelating effect in horses.
Peat contains a large number of water-soluble components. The risk of feeding animals with peat as a supplement has only been thoroughly studied from the aspect of the effect of humic substances. Humic substances are natural constituents of the food chain, present in all plant and animal organisms. Humic acids do not induce goitre, but may enhance the goitrogenic effect of low iodine (Huang et al., 1994). HAs are the most widespread natural polymers derived from biological, chemical and microbial decomposition of organic matter. According to the summary by Yang et al. (2004), Ha’s represent a group of natural high molecular weight macro- molecules composed of aromatic rings forming a very complex structure in the presence of phenolic, hydroxyl, phenolic hydroxyl, ketonyl, quinone, semiquinone, carboxyl, carbonyl and alkoxyl groups. The HAs often form complexes with a mixture of metallic elements. Because of the above-mentioned data, one cannot expect that two separate natural sources of HAs can contain identical molecules. Humic substances of medicinal importance are found abundantly in peat, sapropel, and other humified sources Ref: Laub, R. J. Process for preparing synthetic soil-extract materials and medicaments based thereon. U.S. Patent 5,945,446, 999. The biological effects of humic substances can be different, depending on their chemical structure and physicochemical properties and the quinone functional group of Fulvic acid. Chemical composition, structure, and functional groups can vary greatly, depending on the origin and age of the humic substance and the conditions of the humification process (humidity, aeration, temperature, mineral microenvironment, etc. Ref: Chen, J.; Gu, B.; LeBoeuf, E. J.; Pan, H.; Dai, S. Spectroscopic characterization of the structural and functional properties of natural organic matter fractions. Chemosphere 2002, 48, 59-68.
Complexed into the Fulvic, nucleic and amino acid team are innumerable and essential minerals and rare earth elements. They are amorphous high molecular weight substances. They are not manufactured and they are natural compounds-micro and macronutrients from plants, phytochemicals. They are concentrated and transformed and are rock like, inert or fossilized. From yellow to brown to dark coloured they remain truly organic. They also contain silica as a part of their excipients. The flavonoid structure comes entirely from microbial action on ancient plant deposits. They contain sodium, ammonium or potassium humates and are highly hygroscopic. They will therefore never have the same colour. The uroeza of ammonium chloride, which assists with increased elimination of toxins and to prevent kidney stones or bladder stones (listed in the veterinary drug handbook as favourable), may give the product a slight smell upon opening the container. We however use a sodium Fulvic Acid and a smell is unlikely and not offensive to a horse.
The Fulvic Enhanced ™ ingredient is bonded to a calcium molecule which supply a chelated form of calcium with improved absorption. Interestingly, Humic Acids act as a dilator increasing the cell wall permeability. This increased permeability allows easier transfer of minerals from the blood to the bone and cells. There are noted changes in intracellular divalent calcium levels. ( Yang et al;, 1996)
About the benefits
The answer to this question lies in a substance called Fulvic acid which works in synergy with other well-known ingredients used in our supplements, such as Fulvic Excel. First advice from Fulvic Health is not to listen to misinformed people who have not studied the benefits of the Fulvic and Humic Acid used in Fulvic Enhanced products. As a nutraceutical with therapeutic agents the role of the added ingredients together with Fulvic and Humic Acid cannot be disputed. Fulvic Excel has been show to enhance synovial fluid hyaluronate (joint lubrication). With the unique addition of Fulvic and Humic Acid, together with the added Chondro-protective ingredients and MSM, some of these added components are known to relieve swelling from joint inflammation and have been shown to bond to the collagen fibres to aid in repair of damaged tendons and bone. Not only does it relieve from inflammation, it has been shown to bond to collagen fibers to aid in the repair of damaged tendons and ligaments, with enough rest and time. It is proven to influence the metabolism of cartilage and mobility, joint effusion and swelling. The ingredients such as Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate and our blend together stimulate proteoglycan and collagen synthesis and inhibit the production of cytokines involved in cartilage degradation. The wide spectrum main ingredient, Fulvic Acid-Carat (CaOH), makes it possible to act as the transcellular transporter of almost any nutrient or mineral. Humates (Fulvic and Humic Acid) are hydrocarbons and contain aromatic and heterocyclic structures, carboxyl groups, and nitrogen. They possess many active hydrogen bonding sites making them very chemically reactive. Absorption it is more intensive and dynamic compared to pure physical adsorbents. Humic Acids act as a dilator increasing the cell wall permeability. This increased permeability allows easier transfer of minerals from the blood to the bone and cells. This is why the amount of Glucosamine, Chondroitin and MSM cannot be compared to other supplements as the addition of Fulvic and Humic makes these products way more absorbable. Adding any more would be over the safe level for use in horses in a double dose, as tested by SAHRASA. The minerals found in Fulvic and Humic Acid such as copper, manganese and zinc are important for normal cartilage and connective tissue formation and it is even further supported by the addition of MSM. The transmutation of vegetal silica and magnesium to form calcium in animal and human bones is a typical example of new syntheses of minerals that Fulvic initiates. Scientific claims have stated that Humates (Fulvic and Humic Acid) are shown to balance T Cells, which can attack joints and bones thus causing auto-immune diseases arthritis. Research shows that the red blood cells likely carry more oxygen with the presence of Humates, contributing to quicker healing times and swelling reduction. Studies have shown that Humic acid inhibit the binding of cells, associated with inflammation, to specific “sticky” molecules on the walls of blood vessels in the vicinity of the inflammation reaction. Another interesting finding was that humic acid inhibits the activation and/or release of certain blood products (i.e. Cytokines) responsible to stimulate and attract these cells to sites where autoimmune and allergic reactions usually take place, such as airways and joints. In this way Humic acid could protect areas of existing inflammation by stopping inflammatory cells from reaching affected sites, “sticking” to the nearby blood vessels and releasing toxic substances at these sites.
Dermal, oral or subcutaneous application of Humic Acids leads to the inhibitory effects on inflammation and this is directly related to the flavonoid groups contained in the Humic Acid. It can act as an anti-inflammatory by reducing the release of pro-inflammatory mediators from cells. It is mixture of polyphenolic acid compounds and is an interesting phytochemical with a neuroprotective effect. As an antioxidant it is a powerful plant compound that can help neutralize foreign agents and free radicals. It modulates the immune system. Ours is not a highly processed and refined feed additive that reduces the antioxidants that should occur naturally in a horse’s native diet. As an antioxidant, acting alone or in conjunction with other proven ingredients, it is unrivalled in its ability as a “free-radical” scavenger. Acting at times as an acceptor, and at other times as a donor (depending upon need), Fulvic acid helps to create balance.
Studies reveal that Humic acid dilates a healthy cell so it is permeable and can be entered by its partner, Fulvic acid. Once Humic acid finds a virus, it blocks it, preventing it from attacking a healthy cell and alerting the immune system of the invader. Once the virus is prohibited from reproducing, the body can focus on getting rid of the virus even before illness is exhibited in the horse. As there is indication of discriminate stimulation of “good” microbes while suppressing the “bad” this is a big plus for over-acid horses, such as is common with EPM (Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis), an environmental parasitic disease syndrome. Humic acid is also known to attack virus-laden cells. Immuno-compromised EPM horses can benefit from our unique formulation by regulating the immune system.
Humates are reported to suppress, and even block, the production of stress hormones which otherwise might be produced in horses stressed by crowds and unfamiliar surroundings like trailers, temporary stalls and arenas. The overall demeanour of animals and humans improve when correctly balanced with Fulvic Enhanced products.
With regular use, the intake enhances liver function, assists with natural cell division without mutation, and helps to maintain and enhance the balance of minerals and trace elements improves calcium transfer to the skeleton and bones. Fulvic acid is one of the most powerful natural electrolytes known to exist. It charges, regenerates, regulates and delivers its energies to living cells this improved circulation while super-oxygenating the blood. Elevated muscle energy helps the horse perform harder, faster and longer during endurance events. During exercise, the metabolism produces oxidants which can damage cells and tissues and thus the need for an anti-oxidant is so much stronger in a performance horse.
Humic acids have been hailed as the most powerful detoxifying agents available for the soil but they can perform a similar function in the sick animal. Humic acid has a CEC (cation exchange capacity) of 450, which can provide an adsorptive capacity similar to activated charcoal to soak up and isolate toxins (before they can cause cellular damage). The physical manifestation of disease is often a negative response to the toxins released by the infectious microbes. When humic acid is used to bind these toxins there is often a dramatic reduction in toxicity. The benefits of humates in animal health are remarkably similar to those in the soil. Where humic acids help to balance the critical fungal: bacteria ratio in the soil they can also stabilise the animal’s intestinal flora to improve feed efficiency (5% to 15% weight gains have been reported in cattle, pigs and poultry). Where humic acids are similar, buffering agents in the soil they can also offer a protective mechanism in the animal where they are able to form a protective film on the mucous lining of the gastro-intestinal tract. This film also helps to prevent excessive losses of water via the intestine. Poor quality foods and grasses burden digestion. Digestively, Fulvic acids can chelate heavy metal build-up which results in fewer burdens on your horse’s intestinal tract. Animal studies also reveal an increase in feed efficiency when Humates are included. Excel with Fulvic has been shown to substantially reduce the incidence of diarrhoea and other digestive upsets as well as to improve animals’ defences against pathogens such as E. coli. (Studies on the antimicrobial effect of natural and synthetic humic acids. Ansorg R. 1978.)
The macro-colloidal structure of humic acid ensures good shielding on the mucous membrane of the stomach and gut, the capillaries and damaged mucous cells. AS a result, the resorption of toxic metabolites is reduced or fully prevented, especially after infections, in case of residues of harmful substances in animal feed or when it is switched to new feeds.
Lactic acids and Carbon Dioxide are by products that can affect performance and recovery in different ways and both can be remedied with oxygen. Following strenuous exercise, the Lactic acid may further contribute to the pain and soreness experienced. Supplementation immediately after sprints as a part of the “warm down” process may assist to re-introduce oxygen to the muscle cells thus relieving pain. Fulvic acid naturally contains around 45% oxygen which is delivered directly to the body. This will help to train and perform longer and will also reduce the oxygen debt after exercise with great rejuvenation benefits. It must be noted though that you will need to supplement with The Fulvic Enhanced for at least two months before this effect is fully noticed.
Both our blends contain Humic Acid in a sodium form which differentiated it from all other Fulvic products. Humic acids are able to form a protective film on the mucous epithelium of the gastro-intestinal tract against infections and toxins. Reduces or fully prevents the resorption of toxic metabolites after infections in case of residues of harmful substances in animal feed or when it is switched to new feeds. Furthermore, humic acids also help to prevent excessive loss of water through the intestine. Humic acids have the ability specifically to influence microbial metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. It is a recognised digestive aid that promotes a healthy gut microflora as it stimulates microbial activity, enabling the gut to digest food more efficiently and resulting in less loss of nutrients through faeces, with the added benefit of less ammonia and other odour causing elements in manure.
Outside of clean water, adequate pasture and/or hay, and the amount of concentrate required for your horse’s level of activity or growth, the best recommended supplement for free choice salt is within a Fulvic Acid complex of Sodium. EG: The risk with salt licks is that a stalled horse may consume salt out of boredom, leading to an increased water consumption and subsequent increased urine excretion. Our Trace minerals are those required in very small amounts by the animal in contrast to macro-minerals which are required in larger amounts. It is vital to provide trace mineral salt free-choice to horses that live in hot and humid climates and/or are worked hard. In their sweat, horses will lose electrolytes; they must be replaced by eating additional dietary salt. The need for additional minerals in rations formulated for exercising horses is largely related to the increased mineral loss through sweat. Sweat contains appreciable amounts of sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, and magnesium. As such, recommendations call for increases in these minerals for horses in environments or exercise conditions which promote sweating. Fulvic Enhanced™ has undergone specific analysis study to show that all these elements are found in our product and within the minimum safety levels.
Superoxide dismutase’s help protect many types of cells from the free radical damage that is important in aging, senescence, and ischemic tissue damage. Noted in pharmacological studies is that Fulvic and humic substances are powerful superoxide dismutase’s (SODs) and metalloenymes of every conceivable kind. References: Visser, S.A; Effects of humic substances on higher animals and man; the possible use of humic compounds in medical treatments; 1988; which was presented at the International Humic Substances Society meeting in Sevilla, Spain.
Humic extracts (Fulvic acids) are nature’s most powerful antioxidants throughout the world have shown that various mechanisms within the humic molecular structure make it both a donor and acceptor free radical scavenger and antioxidant. References: Yuan, Shenyuan; et al; Application of Fulvic acid and its derivatives in the fields of agriculture and medicine; First Edition: June 1993 and Inglot, AD; Zielinksa-Jenczylik, J; Piasecki, E; Arch. Immunol. Ther. Exp. (Warsz) 1993, 41(1), 73-80)
Yearlings and 2-year-olds need protein for maintenance and growth of muscle tissue. Exercise may increase the rate of muscle deposition, thus increasing the protein demand in young, exercising horses 10 to 20 percent above amounts needed for maintenance and normal growth. Proteins are large compounds made of individual amino acids. Several of the amino acids necessary for muscle deposition cannot be synthesized by the horse’s body, and they must be supplied by the diet. As such, the balance of these amino acids or protein quality is an important consideration for exercising horse diets. Fulvic and Humic acids provide essential organic minerals such as selenium, copper, zinc, iron and substances, within the safety limits as prescribed by the Medicines Control Council, that provide ideal bone muscle cartilage hoof and hair growth as well as essential Amino Acids and Enzymes. Don’t overlook our start-up maintenance blend (Renew with Fulvic) which provides excellent growth stimulating effects. Fulvic acids become individually unique molecules or multi-mineral compounds that plants, and animals, absorb, assimilate and utilize to support growth and health. Reference: Recent research shows that humic acid can be used as animal feed thanks to its growth-promoting effect (e.g. Kocabagli et al. 2002).
Environmental pollution raises our requirements for minerals, especially zinc, calcium, and iron. However essential trace elements are “essential” only when used in trace amounts. When used in excess they become toxic. The same is true with “major” elements such as iron. As an electrolyte, Fulvic Acid increases the permeability of cell membranes. Excesses of certain minerals can interfere with absorption of other minerals. It is obvious that when metals, minerals and trace elements become complexed into fulvic acid, they take on an entirely new property of availability, unlike their original form. It is when fulvic acid is not present that one should seriously worry about toxic build-up from any source. The amounts of minerals and trace elements used in this product are considered safe, for which estimated safe and adequate daily dietary intakes and recommended dietary allowances are available. A cumulative body of evidence points to the safety of each ingredient in the standardised Fulvic Enhanced ™ based multi-mineral powder concentrate for its use as a dietary supplement by horses.
The physical health of all organisms, both plant and animal, can be expressed in terms of electrical potential. It is essential that the electrolytic potential is maintained at optimal level, otherwise weakness, disease etc occurs. Fulvic Acid has proven to be one of nature’s most powerful organic electrolytes. Because its constituents were once in molecular structure, which can balance cell life.
Traditional views of most equine respiratory disease is to reduce the inflammatory response of the body. It’s important to support your horse’s immune system. Also be aware of contagious or viral concerns in the area. If your horse is kept at a barn with other horses that travel, staying aware of their health is in the best interest of your horse’s well-being. . A horse coughing, experiencing heaves, or any other equine respiratory concern is a sign of the state of the horse’s health. The trigger could be from a compromised immune system, out of balance GI tract, past emotion within the body, environmental stress, or a lifestyle routine that’s out of alignment with the horse’s design. The symptoms of inflammation, coughing and asthma are much better alleviated with the use of Fulvic nad Humic Acids. Ref Jingrong Chen et al, jiangxi humic acid, 2 (1984) Humic Extracts, especially Fulvic Acid, when administered orally are proven to regulate the immune system as powerful immune modulators and to work as potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. You need at least three months to see the full potential of supplementation.
Your horse’s best chance of overcoming this hoof disease might lie in your ability to catch it early. Everyone talks about laminitis being a lameness issue, but we know that horses start to get damage at a microscopic level before they show any lameness. Therefore, keeping your horse’s health is key to maximizing likelihood of recovery. Supplementing with our product can prevent or help you catch this devastating hoof disease while your horse still has a chance to avoid suffering its consequences. Long term administration has shown healthy hooves which grow faster in the dorsal (front) part of the hoof and slower in the quarters. A wide and smooth and evenly spaced growth rings across the front of the hoof wall that curve downward at the quarters toward the heels it noted. With laminitis, that growth pattern no longer applies; the horse develops wider growth rings at the heel than at the toe (because growth has been compromised at the toe—where most of the damage has occurred—more severely than at the heels). Insulin, a normal hormone released in the body to regulate blood sugar, activates a particular growth factor (IGF-1) in the laminae, causing them to grow. Our product assists with insulin resistance and obesity. Our product assists in prevention of systemic inflammatory responses which can trigger laminitis. Laminitis starts at a microscopic level well before actual lameness sets in. Laminitis is all about ameliorating or halting the progression and if it’s very early and quite mild then you can go on to have a horse with no functional disruption. You need to take action and try Fulvic Renew as a start.
HUMIC FULVIC goes systemic, so it works on the first priority in the body. This means it may be repairing something else first before it addresses the health issue you chose it for originally. The antioxidant properties, enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant defence system in liver mitochondria and cultured cancer lines in vitro were tested. The results indicated recapture of superoxide with lower efficiency than hydroxyl radicals. As HA’s are naturally occurring organic constituents they constitute a promising agent in terms in immunity enhancement at recommended prophylactic dosages. Humic Acids are known for their overall positive health and productivity effects and as an aetiological factor of Cancer. Ref In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol-Animal ( 2011) 47: 376-382 DOI 10.1007/s11626-011-9405-8.
A cumulative body of evidence points to the safety of each ingredient in the standardised Fulvic Enhanced ™ concentrate for its use as a dietary supplement by humans and animals has been proven for over a decade.
A review of the Equine testing indicates a lack of side effects from the ingestion of Fulvic Enhanced ™. Dr SS De Kock Laboratory Director of the National Horse Racing Authority conducted a full analysis on blood and urine and indicated in the analysis that the specimens contained no substances which exceed allowed levels and also did not contain any other substances considered prohibited. An additional review done over a period of 2 years on sponsored product provided by Fulvic Health Pty Ltd confirmed the safety of this product for use as an oral multi-mineral electrolyte supplement. The safety in both the short-term and long-term use of the animals I treated is considered adequate and applicable to horses from colt/filly to mare/gelding/stallion, as is implied the same mechanism of action that is seen to occur in both animal and human studies. The substance tested complied with Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) methods, was received in a tamper proof secure container. In a preliminary test, the dosage was given a suggested dosage. The oral acute toxicity study testing done over a period of 2 years shows no toxicity. All animals tested were continuously observed for six hours initially after the treatment and then three times a day during the post treatment. Results of the testing indicate that Fulvic Enhanced ™ caused no toxic symptom or lethality during a the treatment observation period at the maximal tolerable dose (MTD) administered within 24 hours which was 50 ml per day and often up to 2 x 50 ml dose per day during endurance activity, thus providing a base of evidence that this product is non-toxic in applicable physiological doses.
The product contains Fulvic and Humic substances which act as growth promoters, immune and stress- protectors and metabolism correctors.( References: 1. Stepchenko L. 2000. 11-th International Peat Congress, Quebec, Canada, pp. 921-927. 2. Stepchenko L. 2004. Naukoviy visnik NAU 78, 68-72.) The humic substances show Antiulcerogenic activity (Ref: Ghosal, S.; Singh, S. K.; Kumar, Y. Phytother. Res. 1988, 2, 187-191) and lastly the use of humic substances in feed improved gut health for better nutrient utilization as well as improved the health status by working against pathogens by developing immunity (Reference: Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 4 (3): 126-134, 2005 ISSN 1680-5194 © Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2005)
The good news is that the Fulvic Acid in our “powder form” exists as an active substance in both basic or “alkaline” and “acidic” conditions, thus these Fulvic Acids carry molecules into the tissues to alkalise the tissues. Minerals such as copper, manganese and zinc found in Fulvic Acid are important for normal cartilage and connective tissue formation and even further supported by the MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) and Chondroitin Sulphate Bovine content.
Fulvic already has the maximum amount of vegetable silica as a part of its excipients bonded to be absorbed quicker by the body. The transmutation of vegetal silica and magnesium to form calcium in animal and human bones is a typical example of new synthesis of minerals that Fulvic initiates.
Fulvic acids possess less carbon but more oxygen than the corresponding humic substances with different solubility’s. Naturally occurring organic polyelectrolyte’s do participate in reactions with both organic and inorganic compounds that play a vital role in nutritional physiology of single cells that are beneficial to the positive aspects of growth and maturity.
Oxygenating the cell is vital because it enhances energy production.
Each cell when properly nourished is capable of producing their own amino acids, enzymes and other factors necessary for all metabolic processes. Each cell maintains itself, burns its own energy, creates its own proteins, manufactures its own enzymes and duplicates itself. It is therefore important to understand that the total metabolism of the body is the sum total of metabolic operations which is carried on in each individual cell. The nutritional building blocks of these cells may then be considered as maintenance nutrients. These maintenance nutrients must be supplied to the body continually; they are amino acids, major and trace minerals, vitamins and other nutritional factors. The human body can only produce 8 of the amino acids in their body and only one vitamin. It should be noted that vitamins cannot complete their function in the cells’ metabolism without the presence of certain minerals. This is where Fulvic Acid makes the difference as it chelated and binds scores of minerals into bio-available form to be used by the cells, it also is known as an efficient transporter of vitamins into the cell.
Minerals need to be chelated, bound to a protein molecule, to be bio-available. (Mineral assimilation without chelation is only about 10%.) This makes our product highly assimilative. When our humates (fulvic and humic acid dry mixes) are exposed in the system the sulfide, sulfur compounds, hydrogen, carboxylic acids, amines react with moisture, hydrolyzes. These are then in ideal natural form to be absorbed and interact with living cells.
Scientists have found that Fulvic Acid makes nutrients more available from the food/feed ingested and thus corrects deficiencies quickly and safely. Fulvic acts as a vehicle that carries nutrient. When minerals ad trace elements from feed sources come into contact with Fulvic Acid, they are dissolved into a form that makes them more active and available to the body by acting as a catalyst. A catalyst is a compound that facilitates a chemical reaction. Fulvic is often referred to as “nature’s miracle molecule”.
About external product uses
Fulvic Enhanced Poultice
The Fulvic Enhanced™ Poultice is uniquely blended in a specific ratio with zeolite that provides a powerful wet poultice when water or the Fulvic Enhanced Spray is added. The product provides relief of symptoms (not related to a disease or disorder). It is a topical preparation which is mixed with water or the Fulvic Enhanced Therapy Spray in order to favourably affect the healing of open wounds, sprains, inflammation, insect and spider bites, snake bites, mange, skin irritations. It is for the management of repair and recovery.
Due to the mineral and vital constituents, these humate’s could often offer a curative support to many other natural therapies for different types of affections. They are extracted from a mineral-rich soil and are not tampered with. They contain all their energy and effectiveness and are thus bio-available to the body. It is the development of heat within the poultice from body heat. Anything applied to the skin, wet or cold or cool, will cause a reaction of the blood vessels of the skin, bringing more blood into the area and gradually raising the temperature of the skin. This elevation of the skin temperature causes an immigration of white blood cells into the area which improves the health and general cleanliness of the tissues involved.
It absorbs toxic materials from the skin. The lessened molecular content of toxic materials near the more superficial area of the skin induces a “flow” of toxic materials toward the surface of the skin from the deeper tissues.
- Treat open wounds
- Treat from a boot rub to a large laceration
- Heal burns with minimum pain or scarring
- Eliminate discolouration due to skin bruises
- Act as a wide spectrum anti-microbial fungicide
- Treat rashes and skin irritations
- Help to heal cuts and abrasions
- Help heal insect bites, spider bites and snake bites
- Neutralize poison
- Muscular pain relief has been experienced as well
- Recognised Pharmacopoeia. Health enhancement claims apply to enhancement of normal health. They do not relate to enhancement of health from a compromised state.
- Recognised Monograph. All claims relating to symptoms shall be accompanied by the advice: “If symptoms persist consult your Veterinarian”
- Written Histories of use in the classical or traditional medical literature.
Since humic substances have existed in nature well before human existence, research continues today to determine the benefits of Fulvic and Humic Acid. Most importantly, clinical documentation of both the short-term and long-term use and safety of Humic/Fulvic Acids is available. The Humate ingredients (Humic and Fulvic Acid) does not cause allergic reactions, anaphylaxis (unexpected reactions) to other medicines; it is an apyrogen.
As a First Aid remedy against ulcers, bruises and as a compress for fast healing and pain relieving
remedy which helps regeneration of tissue and prevents formation of scars. Over a diseased area
as Fulvic and Zeolite draws toxicity out of the area, relieve pain and promote healing. Used on
Eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, it helps promote healing. It is especially good for applications on an
affected area, or simply where a stronger action is required.
No, our product does not contain Aluminium (Al).
The natural use of Humates (Fulvic and Humic Acids) and herbs in preventative health care has
grown substantially in the last decade and offers fewer side effects, contra-indications or allergic
Fulvic Enhanced Therapy Spray
It is a ‘molecular water’ base solution, enhanced with a blend of essentials oils, formulated by Fulvic Health and is one of a kind topical spray to provide immediate relief to wounds and injured, swollen areas. It is a natural antiseptic. It is an all-natural, herbal-based spray therapy for horses and dogs.
This product is ideal for dogs and horses of all ages and sizes. Small applications at frequent intervals give the best results. For long-haired breeds, it may be necessary to clip hair from irritated area to expose the skin. Should the animal feel discomfort, there may be an allergic reaction. Discontinue use immediately although this is highly unlikely. You may spray onto your hands and then rub onto your pet.
Enhanced Spray is a food grade oil blend that conditions the skin and is not harmful to animals when licked.
Fulvic Enhanced Spray is formulated to provide soothing relief and help heal skin irritations, wounds, inflammations, dermatitis and wet eczema. It contains Essential Oils that can be effective for repelling insects with many additional healing benefits. The liquid base of the Enhanced spray also enhances the essential oils for itch and pain relief. The botanical analgesic compounds act quickly as an anti-inflammatory to relax the muscles, relieve pain and quiet the nerves.
About Hypochlorous Acid Products
Because of its anti-microbial activity, HOCl is the perfect replacement for many antibiotics and antiseptics used in medicine today. Hypocholorous acid is an organic, completely natural substance released from the body’s neutrophil cells. HOCl functions in the body as an anti-microbial agent, and it also neutralizes bacteria, toxins, and inflammatory mediators in the body. It also works to prevent biofilm formation as well as deactivate problematic enzymes. As you can see, this important substance is a vital one for keeping the body healthy!
As a sanitation chemical, once Hypochlorous Acid lands on a surface, it reacts with any germs or organic matter on that surface and then immediately deactivates, allowing for sanitation without requiring a post-rinse because no toxic chemicals are left behind. It should be continuously applied.
Wound debridement is the foundation for healing in chronic wounds. Excessive debridement is a detriment to healing, whereas proper removal of accumulated non-viable tissue or foreign material from the wound bed maintains a healthy progressive healing trajectory and avoids wound chronicity.
HOCl has been shown to be great for cleaning biofilm-contaminated implant surfaces, has the potential to be used during dental surgery, and is an effective oral rinse. Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) has both proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties, and seems to play an important role in the immune system. The regulation of normal flora contributes to periodontal health, and HOCl seems to have the ability to attack Gram-negative pathogens during periodontitis. Our product is suitable as periodontal medication, as HOCl is an antimicrobial agent, inflammation modulator and healing promoter. Periodontitis is an inflammatory process initiated by plaque biofilm. See FAQ in biofilm. Ref: Mainnemare A, Megarbane B, Soueidan A, et al. Hypochlorous acid and taurine-N-monochloramine in periodontal diseases. J Dent Res. 2004;83(11):823–31.
As a natural compound it eliminates microorganisms on the skin and mucous membranes making it a very effective eyelid and eyelash cleaner. Hypochlorous Acid is well known for killing bacteria on the body, and this can be very beneficial for any inflammation that occurs with the eyelids, lashes, and the eyes themselves. By removing negative bacteria, this solution can help soothe conditions such as blepharitis, Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), and dry eye disease. After spraying the eye lid is now clean which help alleviate the signs and symptoms of blepharitis, dry eyes, and Meibomian gland dysfunction. No need to rinse! Due to this, many people notice less redness, improved comfort of the eyes, and better contact lens tolerance. Our Hypochlorous Acid for eyes is called PureLucid and should be used twice per day for maintenance of clean eyelids, to prevent sty’s. There is no bleach by-product in our product.
Pruritus is the most common symptom seen in dermatologic disease. HOCl is anti-inflammatory and reduces the activities of histamine, leukotriene B4, and interleukin-2, all of which are implicated in the pathophysiology of itch. HOCl may reduce pruritus either through its microbicidal effects upon cutaneous pathogens (especially Staphylococcus aureus in atopic dermatitis or through its anti-inflammatory effects (especially reduction in the activities of histamine, LTB4, and IL-2, all of which have been implicated in the pathophysiology of itch.
HOCl is a more powerful oxidizer than chlorine and a very effective sanitizing agent. It is used to make sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and calcium hypochlorite, (Ca(OCl)2), which are used in the making of bleaches. This highly effective surface disinfection and cleaning agent is suitable for use in restaurants, kitchens or sales rooms. Disease-causing germs, such as the Aspergillus Brasiliensis, are repulsed effectively.
The fields of environmental hygiene, disinfection, food safety, and sanitation are now likely to benefit from HOCl as an untapped resource in infection control. HOCl are microbicidal in vitro to fungi, such as Candida albicans, and to many species of bacteria, including methicillin-sensitive (MSSA) and methicillin-resistant (MRSA) Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Streptococcus pyogenes, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium, Serratia marcescens, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter aerogenes, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Haemophilus influenza, as referenced in scientific data substantiating further that it is a wound care agent
As a synthetic preparation, our HOCl is effective as a microbial disinfectant. Prions are deadly pathogens that are notoriously difficult to inactivate and often standard protocols today are inadequate. Treatment with sodium hypochlorite bleach and sodium hydroxide are damaging and unsuitable. The tests done on a HOCL formulation poses no apparent hazard to either users or surfaces. It can be applied directly to the skin and mucous membranes and well as surfaces and entire rooms/stables or clinics without apparent deleterious effects. HOCl can inactivate a range of target microbes, including spores of Bacillus subtilis, but also prions in tissue suspensions and on stainless steel. Reports have documented the increasing evidence that subtypes of dementia, including Alzheimer’s, may have an infectious component that currently looks like a prion-related protein (Abbott, 2015). Having a disinfectant that can eradicate that risk from surgical instruments and medical facilities is a timely finding and in fact a welcome advance in infection control technology. The additional protein denaturing activity of HOCl and in particular, its inactivation of prion proteins, also suggests new opportunities for the design and execution of disease control measures in healthcare institutions (Hughson et al., 2016). Prion infectivity is especially concerning as prions are known to be both potentially pervasive and exceptionally difficult to eradicate (Abbott, 2015).
Stabilized HOCl is in the form of a physiologically balanced solution in 0.9% saline at a pH range of 3.5 to 4.0. HOCl is the predominant species at the pH range of 3 to 6. At pH values less than 3.5, the solution exists as a mixture of chlorine in aqueous phase, chlorine gas, trichloride (Cl3−), and HOCl. At pH greater than 5.5, sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) starts to form and becomes the predominant species in the alkaline pH. To maintain HOCl solution in a stable form, maximize its antimicrobial activities, and minimize undesirable side products, the pH must be maintained at 3.5 to 5. Our product is stable within this range. Stable HOCl is an effective and safe compound, and stable for human and animal use at various PPM. At a pH 3 or below HOCl exists in solution with hydrochloric acid and chlorine (HCl and Cl2, respectively). In solutions where the pH is 7.5 or greater HOCl solutions contain more hypochlorite (–OCl). Eventual reduction of oxidative chlorine to the chloride ion (Cl–) leads to a decrease in antimicrobial activity over time in conventionally prepared HOCl solutions, and are described as “highly unstable” . Products supplied by Fulvic Health Pty Ltd are batch tested during the process and at the end of production with a target tight range at 5.5 to 5.8 pH.
HOCl has no toxic material disposal requirements, and is not considered by OSHA to be hazardous waste adding yet another advantageous element to HOCl use (OSHA Hazard Communication Standard). HOCl has advantages over sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in that within its effective antimicrobial concentration range, it is non-irritating, non-sensitizing and cytotoxicity to mammalian cells is so low, that it is an approved as a Medical Device.
Since chronic wounds offer ideal conditions for infection and biofilm production, good wound care strategies are critical for wound healing. Topical antiseptics in chronic wounds remain in widespread use today. These antiseptics are successful in microbial eradication, but their cytotoxcity is a controversial issue in wound healing. An open wound is a favourable niche for bacterial colonization and infection. Biofilm formation is now recognized as a serious problem in chronic wound infections. Hypochlorous Acid is highly active against all bacterial, viral, and fungal human pathogens and a small amount of HOCl can kill spore-forming and non-spore bacteria in a short time period. Foremost, it has dose-dependent favourable effects on fibroblast and keratinocyte migration. These features lead to a stabilized HOCl solution as an ideal wound care agent. Randomized, prospective clinical trials are required to determine in vivo relevance of these findings. Fulvic Health encourage future enquiries herein!
Recent evidence points to an essential role for HOCl in initiating the formation of and participating in Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NET) that are involved in killing of pathogens outside the confines of phagocytic vacuoles (Brinkmann et al., 2004; Palmer et al., 2012). Another strong case for HOCl as an attractive option for reliable, safe, high-level disinfection within institutional settings (Al Haq et al. 2012, Thorn et al., 2012). HOCl has shown potent efficacy as a chemical sterilant against resistant spore-forms of key indicator microbes (Loshon, Melly, Setlow and Setlow, 2001). These and other hygienic use claims have received regulatory approval in the US and the European Union, including approval by USDA for use of HOCl produced on-site as a final food safety rinse for a variety of agricultural products (USDA-Food Safety and Inspection Service, 2017).
Organic farming is a method of crop and livestock production that involves much more than choosing not to use pesticides, fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, antibiotics, and growth hormones. The technology can be integrated with existing systems such as fogging and irrigation pumps. As a biocide it can be introduced directly into irrigation systems by metered dosing, applied directly to surfaces for sterilisation, or added to the water used for post-harvest pathogen control. NeoPure eradicates biofilm in pipes or on surfaces, as well as mould and fungi without the toxic effects of harsh chemicals. We believe that mimicking nature’s own way of protecting plants can provide the answer to cost-efficient synthesis of effective crop protection chemicals.
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) can be used to maintain sterile environments for pharmaceutical manufacturing. HOCl dislodges biofilm and disinfects pipes for clean-in-place (CIP) systems. Hypochlorous acid dislodges biofilm and disinfects pipes. HOCl can be used for cold sterilization of equipment and instruments.
HOCl can replace toxic concentrated chemicals for cleaning and disinfecting rooms and common areas. Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) can be used to sanitize linens. HOCl can be applied via air conditioners or foggers to broadly disinfect rooms and the air. HOCl can be used in the hospital kitchen as a no-rinse sanitizer to clean and disinfect all contact surfaces and kitchenware.
HOCl is used to disinfect bottles. HOCl can dislodge biofilm and disinfect pipes in clean-in-place systems. It can be applied via hoses to clean equipment and sanitize work areas.
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is safe on animals and has many applications for livestock and meat processing. Hypochlorous acid can be applied to living areas to maintain clean and sanitized environments. HOCl is used for sanitizing raw carcusses as a no-rinse sanitizer for processing. HOCl can be applied via hoses or foggers to broadly sanitize large areas.
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is shown to be safe on animals and has many applications in the poultry industry including hatcheries, broiler houses and processing. HOCl can be applied to eggs in hatcheries via misting and is cleared by FDA FCN 1811. Hypochlorous acid can be applied via sprinklers and misters to maintain a sanitized environment for chickens, increasing growth rates and decreasing feed to growth ratios. HOCl can be used to sanitize whole or processed chickens as a no-rinse sanitizer.
Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) replaces water in produce washers for cleaning and sanitizing fruits and vegetables as a no-rinse sanitizer and prolongs the shelf-life. HOCl is used to sanitize equipment and work areas.
Keeping the body safe from bacteria without using harmful toxic chemicals is a delicate balancing act, but we have the SOLUTION. When bacteria enter the body, neutrophils – a type of white blood cell – are released from the bloodstream and, via a chemotaxis process, migrate to the bacteria. The neutrophils surround the bacteria and release an enzyme, NADPH oxidase, which is usually dormant in the body, but is activated when the body is under threat. This decays to produce hydrogen peroxide, which reacts with sodium chloride to produce HOCl and sodium hydroxide. The HOCl then kills invasive organisms through the myeloperoxidase-mediated peroxidation of chloride ions. .
Keeping the body safe from bacteria
Chronic or Mixed Wounds ( ischemic component), Surgical Wounds, Septic Trauma Wounds, Burn wounds, Infection management in acute and chronic wounds, Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs), Microbial wound management, preparation of patients for sepsis, Postsurgical wounds, First-degree and second-degree burns, Grafted and donor sites, pressure ulcers, VLUs, Burns and Wound irrigation.
Perhaps the most remarkable property of HOCl is its ability to destroy biofilms. Many wound care clinicians and burn specialists have come to realize the simple concept of wound colonization, critical colonization, and infection de- pendent on classification by number of colony forming units of bacterial species per weight or volume of tissue is naïve in practice. Biofilms can contain anaerobes,
which often are missed by classical culture techniques and grow by contiguous spreading or shedding of planktonic bacteria, seeding onto surrounding surfaces, and resulting in infection dissemination. Biofilms are also notorious for their persistence, being resistant to the host immune system, systemic antibiotics, and topical antimicrobials. Although it was thought that inability to penetrate the extracellular material barriers was the reason for failure of antibiotics to clear biofilms, in vitro evidence is increasing to suggest antibiotics are able to slowly diffuse through the biofilm matrix. Thus, mechanisms such as alteration of activity status (dormancy) and triggering of mutations and gene expression by environmental stress, bacterial density, nutrition supply, and oxidative stress may be responsible for antibiotic resistance.
About Hypochlorous Acid Products
Because of its anti-microbial activity, HOCl is the perfect replacement for many antibiotics and antiseptics used in medicine today. Hypocholorous acid is an organic, completely natural substance released from the body’s neutrophil cells. HOCl functions in the body as an anti-microbial agent, and it also neutralizes bacteria, toxins, and inflammatory mediators in the body. It also works to prevent biofilm formation as well as deactivate problematic enzymes. As you can see, this important substance is a vital one for keeping the body healthy!
As a sanitation chemical, once Hypochlorous Acid lands on a surface, it reacts with any germs or organic matter on that surface and then immediately deactivates, allowing for sanitation without requiring a post-rinse because no toxic chemicals are left behind. It should be continuously applied.
Wound debridement is the foundation for healing in chronic wounds. Excessive debridement is a detriment to healing, whereas proper removal of accumulated non-viable tissue or foreign material from the wound bed maintains a healthy progressive healing trajectory and avoids wound chronicity.
HOCl has been shown to be great for cleaning biofilm-contaminated implant surfaces, has the potential to be used during dental surgery, and is an effective oral rinse. Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) has both proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties, and seems to play an important role in the immune system. The regulation of normal flora contributes to periodontal health, and HOCl seems to have the ability to attack Gram-negative pathogens during periodontitis. Our product is suitable as periodontal medication, as HOCl is an antimicrobial agent, inflammation modulator and healing promoter. Periodontitis is an inflammatory process initiated by plaque biofilm. See FAQ in biofilm. Ref: Mainnemare A, Megarbane B, Soueidan A, et al. Hypochlorous acid and taurine-N-monochloramine in periodontal diseases. J Dent Res. 2004;83(11):823–31.
As a natural compound it eliminates microorganisms on the skin and mucous membranes making it a very effective eyelid and eyelash cleaner. Hypochlorous Acid is well known for killing bacteria on the body, and this can be very beneficial for any inflammation that occurs with the eyelids, lashes, and the eyes themselves. By removing negative bacteria, this solution can help soothe conditions such as blepharitis, Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), and dry eye disease. After spraying the eye lid is now clean which help alleviate the signs and symptoms of blepharitis, dry eyes, and Meibomian gland dysfunction. No need to rinse! Due to this, many people notice less redness, improved comfort of the eyes, and better contact lens tolerance. Our Hypochlorous Acid for eyes is called PureLucid and should be used twice per day for maintenance of clean eyelids, to prevent sty’s. There is no bleach by-product in our product.
Pruritus is the most common symptom seen in dermatologic disease. HOCl is anti-inflammatory and reduces the activities of histamine, leukotriene B4, and interleukin-2, all of which are implicated in the pathophysiology of itch. HOCl may reduce pruritus either through its microbicidal effects upon cutaneous pathogens (especially Staphylococcus aureus in atopic dermatitis or through its anti-inflammatory effects (especially reduction in the activities of histamine, LTB4, and IL-2, all of which have been implicated in the pathophysiology of itch.
HOCl is a more powerful oxidizer than chlorine and a very effective sanitizing agent. It is used to make sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and calcium hypochlorite, (Ca(OCl)2), which are used in the making of bleaches. This highly effective surface disinfection and cleaning agent is suitable for use in restaurants, kitchens or sales rooms. Disease-causing germs, such as the Aspergillus Brasiliensis, are repulsed effectively.
The fields of environmental hygiene, disinfection, food safety, and sanitation are now likely to benefit from HOCl as an untapped resource in infection control. HOCl are microbicidal in vitro to fungi, such as Candida albicans, and to many species of bacteria, including methicillin-sensitive (MSSA) and methicillin-resistant (MRSA) Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Streptococcus pyogenes, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium, Serratia marcescens, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter aerogenes, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Haemophilus influenza, as referenced in scientific data substantiating further that it is a wound care agent
As a synthetic preparation, our HOCl is effective as a microbial disinfectant. Prions are deadly pathogens that are notoriously difficult to inactivate and often standard protocols today are inadequate. Treatment with sodium hypochlorite bleach and sodium hydroxide are damaging and unsuitable. The tests done on a HOCL formulation poses no apparent hazard to either users or surfaces. It can be applied directly to the skin and mucous membranes and well as surfaces and entire rooms/stables or clinics without apparent deleterious effects. HOCl can inactivate a range of target microbes, including spores of Bacillus subtilis, but also prions in tissue suspensions and on stainless steel. Reports have documented the increasing evidence that subtypes of dementia, including Alzheimer’s, may have an infectious component that currently looks like a prion-related protein (Abbott, 2015). Having a disinfectant that can eradicate that risk from surgical instruments and medical facilities is a timely finding and in fact a welcome advance in infection control technology. The additional protein denaturing activity of HOCl and in particular, its inactivation of prion proteins, also suggests new opportunities for the design and execution of disease control measures in healthcare institutions (Hughson et al., 2016). Prion infectivity is especially concerning as prions are known to be both potentially pervasive and exceptionally difficult to eradicate (Abbott, 2015).
Stabilized HOCl is in the form of a physiologically balanced solution in 0.9% saline at a pH range of 3.5 to 4.0. HOCl is the predominant species at the pH range of 3 to 6. At pH values less than 3.5, the solution exists as a mixture of chlorine in aqueous phase, chlorine gas, trichloride (Cl3−), and HOCl. At pH greater than 5.5, sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) starts to form and becomes the predominant species in the alkaline pH. To maintain HOCl solution in a stable form, maximize its antimicrobial activities, and minimize undesirable side products, the pH must be maintained at 3.5 to 5. Our product is stable within this range. Stable HOCl is an effective and safe compound, and stable for human and animal use at various PPM. At a pH 3 or below HOCl exists in solution with hydrochloric acid and chlorine (HCl and Cl2, respectively). In solutions where the pH is 7.5 or greater HOCl solutions contain more hypochlorite (–OCl). Eventual reduction of oxidative chlorine to the chloride ion (Cl–) leads to a decrease in antimicrobial activity over time in conventionally prepared HOCl solutions, and are described as “highly unstable” . Products supplied by Fulvic Health Pty Ltd are batch tested during the process and at the end of production with a target tight range at 5.5 to 5.8 pH.
HOCl has no toxic material disposal requirements, and is not considered by OSHA to be hazardous waste adding yet another advantageous element to HOCl use (OSHA Hazard Communication Standard). HOCl has advantages over sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in that within its effective antimicrobial concentration range, it is non-irritating, non-sensitizing and cytotoxicity to mammalian cells is so low, that it is an approved as a Medical Device.
Since chronic wounds offer ideal conditions for infection and biofilm production, good wound care strategies are critical for wound healing. Topical antiseptics in chronic wounds remain in widespread use today. These antiseptics are successful in microbial eradication, but their cytotoxcity is a controversial issue in wound healing. An open wound is a favourable niche for bacterial colonization and infection. Biofilm formation is now recognized as a serious problem in chronic wound infections. Hypochlorous Acid is highly active against all bacterial, viral, and fungal human pathogens and a small amount of HOCl can kill spore-forming and non-spore bacteria in a short time period. Foremost, it has dose-dependent favourable effects on fibroblast and keratinocyte migration. These features lead to a stabilized HOCl solution as an ideal wound care agent. Randomized, prospective clinical trials are required to determine in vivo relevance of these findings. Fulvic Health encourage future enquiries herein!
Recent evidence points to an essential role for HOCl in initiating the formation of and participating in Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NET) that are involved in killing of pathogens outside the confines of phagocytic vacuoles (Brinkmann et al., 2004; Palmer et al., 2012). Another strong case for HOCl as an attractive option for reliable, safe, high-level disinfection within institutional settings (Al Haq et al. 2012, Thorn et al., 2012). HOCl has shown potent efficacy as a chemical sterilant against resistant spore-forms of key indicator microbes (Loshon, Melly, Setlow and Setlow, 2001). These and other hygienic use claims have received regulatory approval in the US and the European Union, including approval by USDA for use of HOCl produced on-site as a final food safety rinse for a variety of agricultural products (USDA-Food Safety and Inspection Service, 2017).
Organic farming is a method of crop and livestock production that involves much more than choosing not to use pesticides, fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, antibiotics, and growth hormones. The technology can be integrated with existing systems such as fogging and irrigation pumps. As a biocide it can be introduced directly into irrigation systems by metered dosing, applied directly to surfaces for sterilisation, or added to the water used for post-harvest pathogen control. NeoPure eradicates biofilm in pipes or on surfaces, as well as mould and fungi without the toxic effects of harsh chemicals. We believe that mimicking nature’s own way of protecting plants can provide the answer to cost-efficient synthesis of effective crop protection chemicals.
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) can be used to maintain sterile environments for pharmaceutical manufacturing. HOCl dislodges biofilm and disinfects pipes for clean-in-place (CIP) systems. Hypochlorous acid dislodges biofilm and disinfects pipes. HOCl can be used for cold sterilization of equipment and instruments.
HOCl can replace toxic concentrated chemicals for cleaning and disinfecting rooms and common areas. Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) can be used to sanitize linens. HOCl can be applied via air conditioners or foggers to broadly disinfect rooms and the air. HOCl can be used in the hospital kitchen as a no-rinse sanitizer to clean and disinfect all contact surfaces and kitchenware.
HOCl is used to disinfect bottles. HOCl can dislodge biofilm and disinfect pipes in clean-in-place systems. It can be applied via hoses to clean equipment and sanitize work areas.
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is safe on animals and has many applications for livestock and meat processing. Hypochlorous acid can be applied to living areas to maintain clean and sanitized environments. HOCl is used for sanitizing raw carcusses as a no-rinse sanitizer for processing. HOCl can be applied via hoses or foggers to broadly sanitize large areas.
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is shown to be safe on animals and has many applications in the poultry industry including hatcheries, broiler houses and processing. HOCl can be applied to eggs in hatcheries via misting and is cleared by FDA FCN 1811. Hypochlorous acid can be applied via sprinklers and misters to maintain a sanitized environment for chickens, increasing growth rates and decreasing feed to growth ratios. HOCl can be used to sanitize whole or processed chickens as a no-rinse sanitizer.
Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) replaces water in produce washers for cleaning and sanitizing fruits and vegetables as a no-rinse sanitizer and prolongs the shelf-life. HOCl is used to sanitize equipment and work areas.
Keeping the body safe from bacteria without using harmful toxic chemicals is a delicate balancing act, but we have the SOLUTION. When bacteria enter the body, neutrophils – a type of white blood cell – are released from the bloodstream and, via a chemotaxis process, migrate to the bacteria. The neutrophils surround the bacteria and release an enzyme, NADPH oxidase, which is usually dormant in the body, but is activated when the body is under threat. This decays to produce hydrogen peroxide, which reacts with sodium chloride to produce HOCl and sodium hydroxide. The HOCl then kills invasive organisms through the myeloperoxidase-mediated peroxidation of chloride ions. .
Keeping the body safe from bacteria
Chronic or Mixed Wounds ( ischemic component), Surgical Wounds, Septic Trauma Wounds, Burn wounds, Infection management in acute and chronic wounds, Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs), Microbial wound management, preparation of patients for sepsis, Postsurgical wounds, First-degree and second-degree burns, Grafted and donor sites, pressure ulcers, VLUs, Burns and Wound irrigation.
Perhaps the most remarkable property of HOCl is its ability to destroy biofilms. Many wound care clinicians and burn specialists have come to realize the simple concept of wound colonization, critical colonization, and infection de- pendent on classification by number of colony forming units of bacterial species per weight or volume of tissue is naïve in practice. Biofilms can contain anaerobes,
which often are missed by classical culture techniques and grow by contiguous spreading or shedding of planktonic bacteria, seeding onto surrounding surfaces, and resulting in infection dissemination. Biofilms are also notorious for their persistence, being resistant to the host immune system, systemic antibiotics, and topical antimicrobials. Although it was thought that inability to penetrate the extracellular material barriers was the reason for failure of antibiotics to clear biofilms, in vitro evidence is increasing to suggest antibiotics are able to slowly diffuse through the biofilm matrix. Thus, mechanisms such as alteration of activity status (dormancy) and triggering of mutations and gene expression by environmental stress, bacterial density, nutrition supply, and oxidative stress may be responsible for antibiotic resistance.