As originated in nature, or through very high-quality processing and refining, fulvic acids are biologically active, low molecular weight (i.e., small molecules) derived from humates or fulvates. Regardless of the still unknown structure of humic substances and the great efforts to elucides, it is known that their major functional groups include carboxylic, phenolic, carbonyl, hydroxyl, amine, amide and aliphatic moieties, among others. Due to this polyfunctionality, humic substances are one of the most powerful chelating agents among natural organic substances. Natural organic colloids (humic and fulvic acids) are important because they form water-soluble complexes with many metals including radionuclides (Lubal et al. 1998, Lubal et al. 2000, Pacheco and Havel 2001, Ghabbour et al. 2001). The humic substances group can be divided into three components based on their solubility: fulvic acids, humic acids, and humin. Fulvic acids and humic acids represent alkalisoluble humus fragments and humin represents the insoluble residue. These organics may therefore be important as radionuclide transport agents through the environment. It is known that the presence of humic substances in natural waters can influence the uptake of radionuclides by natural solids and thus their migration to surface and ground waters (Bondietti 1982, Samanidou et al. 1991). Ion-exchange materials based on calcium humate were found suitable for the removal of such heavy metals as iron, nickel, mercury, cadmium and Peňa-Méndez et al.: Humic substances.
Does our product contain Hyaluronic Acid and if not is there a reason?
Hyaluronic acid is a glycosaminoglycan. In osteoarthritis, changes occur in the hyaluronic acid found in cartilage leading to degradation of the cartilage. With continued use, Fulvic Enhanced™ products are able to aid the natural manufacture process of glycosaminoglycan to firm cartilage tissue. As published in WebMed “There isn’t enough information about hyaluronic acid to know if it is safe when taken by mouth”. Under joint health information by Ray Sahelian, M.D.: “Whether ingested as a pill it is able to easily enter joint tissue is not fully understood at this time. As to the injectable form, the results are mixed. At this time, I don’t have a strong opinion on the benefit of oral form of hyaluronic acid since I have not come across many studies evaluating its effectiveness for joints.”
What are Humic Substances?
“Humic substances (HS) are major components of the natural organic matter (NOM) in soil and water as well as in geological organic deposits such as lake sediments, peats, brown coals and shales. They make up much of the characteristic brown colour of decaying plant debris and contribute to the brown or black colour in surface soils. They are major components of NOM in surface waters and at higher concentrations can impart a dark colour, especially in brown fresh water ponds, lakes, and streams. In leaf litter or composts, the colour may be yellowish-brown to black, depending on the degree of decay and concentration.
Humic substances are very important components of soil that affect physical and chemical properties and improve soil fertility. In aqueous systems, like rivers, about 50% of the dissolved organic materials are HS that affect pH and alkalinity. In terrestrial and aquatic systems HS affect the chemistry, cycling and bioavailability of chemical elements, as well as transport and degradation of xenobiotic and natural organic chemicals. They affect biological productivity in aquatic ecosystems, as well as the formation of disinfection by-products during water treatment.
Humic substances are complex and heterogeneous mixtures of polydispersed materials formed by biochemical and chemical reactions during the decay and transformation of plant and microbial remains (a process called humification). Plant lignin and its transformation products, as well as polysaccharides, melanin, cutin, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, fine char particles, etc., are important components taking part in this process.
Humic substances in soils and sediments can be divided into three main fractions: humic acids (HA or HAs), fulvic acids (FA or FAs) and humin. The HA and FA are extracted from soil and other solid phase sources using a strong base (NaOH or KOH). Humic acids are insoluble at low pH, and they are precipitated by adding strong acid (adjust to pH 1 with HCl). Humin cannot be extracted with either a strong base or a strong acid.
Aquatic HS contain only HA and FA and these components are generally removed from water by lowering the pH to 2 and adsorbing both components on a suitable resin column. The HA and FA are extracted from the resin with strong base followed by lowering the pH to 1 to precipitate the HA. The resin column separation is also used to separate FA from the non-humic materials (amino acids, peptides, sugars, etc.) extracted from soils. At low pH the FA adsorbs on the resin, but non-humic materials pass through the column.
Humic substances are highly chemically reactive yet recalcitrant with respect to biodegradation. Most of the data on HA, FA and humin refer to average properties and structure of a large ensemble of components of diverse structure and molecular weight. The precise properties and structure of a given HS sample depends on the water or soil source and the specific conditions of extraction. Nevertheless, the average properties of HA, FA and humin from different sources are remarkably similar.”
NOTE: The above quoted is from International Humic Substances Society
What are Fulvic Acids?
Fulvic acids are the smallest, lightest molecular-weight components of “humic acids”. They are acid chains/conglomerate molecules. As created by nature, the very small, low molecular weight humic components (“fulvic acids”) are originally created by soil-based micro-organisms (“SBO’s”) which, in turn, make minerals and other nutrients assimiliable by plants. Millions of years ago (and today) SBO’s consume the decayed plant organic matter in the humate deposits and the organisms subsequently excrete a waste material (digested decayed plant organic matter) back into the earthy material. The cycle continues over and over, on and on – nature’s own natural chelation process.
The complex photosynthetic reactions – produced in all plants – produce the nutritional components needed for all the various parts of the plants. Muco-polysaccharides (a class of carbohydrates such as starches and cellulose) flow throughout the plant as nourishment and some of this is returned to the roots where the soil-based micro-organisms are re-nourished to produce (excrete) additional digested humic components which combines with minerals and other nutrients in the soil to continue the cycle.
Fulvic acids are a biologically active mixture of weak aliphatic* and aromatic organic acids which are soluble in water and all pH conditions (acidic, neutral, and alkaline). Fulvic acids are the smaller and lighter weight (molecular weight) parts of humic acids having molecular weights which range from approximately 2,000 or less”.
*Aliphatic means: “Of, relating to, or being a group of organic chemical compounds in which the carbon atoms are linked in open chains”
Why would your dietician recommend Fulvic and Humic Acid?
Without an adequate amount of digestive enzymes, food is not digested properly and can become impacted and then putrefy. Bacteria, yeast, and fungus thrive in this environment and excrete toxins. All of these toxins from putrefied food and microbial secretions are absorbed back into the body as it tries to absorb missing vitamins and minerals, as well as water when we are not properly hydrated. Humic acid also provides intestinal cells with much-needed nutrients and helps to support a beneficial environment so cells can function at their best. Most importantly, it provides the building blocks for the production of digestive enzymes. Humic acid also provides much-needed fibre that is missing in most diets. Humic acid is among the best fibre supplements anyone can take. Additionally, humic acid helps create a healthy microbial balance by supporting “good bacteria” with plant-based nutrition. It can also help eliminate candida, viruses, and other types of problematic microbes from the intestinal tract.
Important note: When starting a supplement containing concentrated humic acid, it is important to do so slowly. Humic acid is a powerful detoxifier, and intestinal detoxification symptoms are common if started too quickly. Most practitioners and dieticians are aware of this and will advise you to start slowly.
Why should I not drink the product with hot/warm water?
High water temperature enhances the growth of microorganisms and may increase taste, odour, colour and corrosion problems from its source.
What Vitamins are present in our product?
Fulvic Acid is an efficient transporter of vitamins into a cell, it complexes vitamins into its structure where they are presented to the cell in combination with complexed minerals and then utilized immediately. In the absence of organic or naturally chelated trace minerals bonded to a carbon molecule (such as Fulvic), vitamins are unable to perform their proper function. Reference: Catalyst to Vitamins Dr Roger Williams Bio-Communications Press Wichita Kansas
What is in the product that helps to maintain the body’s acid/base balance and hydration status?
The chloride (CI) present is a macro-mineral commonly referred to as an “electrolyte” because it helps to maintain the body’s acid/base balance and hydration status. It is also known as “salt” when combined with its partner Sodium. Chloride is an essential component of two intestinal secretions necessary for digestion and absorption of nutrients namely bile and hydrochloric acid (HCl), better known as “Stomach acid”.
How is the product absorbed into the system?
When humates (fulvic and humic acid dry mixes) are exposed in the system the sulphide, sulphur compounds, hydrogen, carboxylic acids, amines react with moisture, hydrolyzes. These are then in ideal natural form to be absorbed and interact with living cells.
Where Do The Best Raw Materials Come From To Make The Best Humic and Fulvic Acid Supplements?
Concentrated raw humate material used to make humic and fulvic acids can be found all over the world. However, not many sources are suitable to use in making humic and fulvic acid supplements. Raw humate deposits were formed from prehistoric plant material – primarily from the Cretaceous period – that have been compacted over time. Fulvic Health obtain our source of raw material that is highly energetic, electron-rich, and oxygenated and suitable as an alternative health care supplement and is derived from one of these areas. It meets exacting benchmarks that define a superior quality raw material, a desirable mineral and element profile, and has extraction methods to guarantee the absence of heavy metals.